Chap 16

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Third person's point of view.

It had been a year since the Fox attack and Kushina's death, Kuroo planned to make the week of Naruto's birthday the main focus to keep Minato from being sad, but she wasn't going to hide the anniversary of Kushina's death, she also planned to set up a little visit to her grave for Minato and Naruto so they could visit and just remember the woman who'd loved them both. Kakashi obviously was helping as the eyes of the operation, 

Itachi and Shisui also helping and supporting Kuroo while she babysat Naruto and sometimes Sasuke at the same time. The first time was very difficult as she had to figure out what worked for both babies and what would help her when she was alone. It wasn't hard to figure out though. Sasuke ate well and bathed easily, but Naruto was picky and splashed a lot during bath time, which makes him laugh when he got her soaking wet. 

Kakashi had come over one day to find Naruto climbing all over Kuroo and Sasuke sitting in a basinet watching and on the verge of tears, about to help her, he stopped when she started to hum, it was lyricless and beautiful, Naruto calmed down and Kakashi watched him yawn and settle in Kuroo's arms before falling asleep, while Sasuke who looked like he was about to cry also started to sleep, 

Still humming Kuroo crawled over to Naruto's basinet and carefully put him in it and then a pacifier in his mouth to suck on while he slept. Sitting back she flopped down on the floor and let out a soft sigh, "Having fun watching?" she asked softly and he chuckled quietly to keep from waking the babies. "A bit," he said then lay down beside her, as she lay on her back he lay on his side, his head propped up on his fist as he watched her.

Her eyes were closed and what he mistook for relaxing was actually her sleeping. She'd passed out and he thought that was hilarious, but to keep from waking the babies he held back on the laughter. Pulling his mask down he leaned over her and kissed her, humming against his mouth she woke and kissed him back, "I wasn't that deeply asleep, you pervert." she teased and he blushed, 

Reaching for him again, she tugged him back to her for another kiss.


When Minato had gotten home, he found Kakashi, Kuroo and Naruto all sleeping in the sitting room, Naruto lay in a pile of pillows and blankets with Kuroo's fingers gripped in his tiny hand while she slept at his side and Kakashi lay on the other side with Naruto's other hand fisting his silver hair, not seeing Sasuke, Minato assumed that the little Uchiha baby was already picked up by Itachi or his parents. 

Smiling at the three of them, he bent down and set his hand on Kuroo's head to wake her as softly as possible, "Minato?" she mumbled coming out of her sleep, "Yeah, I'll put Naruto in his bed till supper, why don't you and Kakashi go wash up," he said and she nodded as she sat up being careful of Naruto's hands and woke Kakashi. Who had a dent in his hair from where Naruto had been holding it. 

 Kakashi leading Kuroo to the bathroom stood her in front of the mirror and lathered up his hands with a cleansing soap and started to carefully work it into Kuroo's face, her eyes were closed as she looked to be relaxed and enjoying the pampering. Stepping towards Kakashi she wrapped her arms around his waist and let her head fall back so he could keep going while she enjoyed the physical contact. 

He chuckled as she relaxed even more when he massaged her temples and the spot right behind her jaw and along her neck, at this point his hands were dry and warm from the water's temperature. "Enjoying yourself?" he asked and she giggled, "Immensely," she said the reached up onto her toes to let him know she wanted a kiss, her hands moving because of muscle memory she tugged his mask down and she kissed the little beauty mark then his lips. 

He never once realized that she was purposefully kissing the mark the same way she kissed Sasuke's, he assumed that because she'd only seen his bare face a handful of times before losing her eyesight that she'd forgotten or didn't really pay attention to where it was exactly, but she knows and remembers exactly where it is, even blind she can still find it, he also never realized that Sasuke has one becasue his hair partially covers it. 

"Guys you almost done in there?" Minato called from down the hall, Kakashi sighing a bit made Kuroo chuckle, "Yes," he called and then turned back to Kuroo to wash her face, setting a towel in her hands he quickly washed his own face and hands again then dried off her face making sure to get whatever soap he missed and then to pat her dry of the water, repeating the process on himself before leading her back downstairs.


Itachi stood knelt before Danzo Shimura one of the village elders and tried to process what he was being told. Kuroo the woman who practically raised him, and someone he cared for deeply is dangerous? He doubted it whole heartedly. "You saw what she's capable of, what if someone were to find out and decide that our village has too much power and attack us just to kill her or worse take her and use her as they see fit," Danzo said, 

"I want to eliminate that before it becomes a problem." Danzo added, "Has the Hokage give his approval of this?" Itachi asked and Danzo narrowed his eye at Itachi, "He's biased, and wouldn't change his mind, she's his student he trained with her and she became his partner, he's too close to this," Danzo said and Itachi kept his head down, "And how did you come to decide that I would be any better for this?" he asked his tone taking on an insulted tone, 

"You are the only one strong enough to do this, and she'd never hurt you, making you the perfect person to do this," Danzo said and Itachi frowned. He didn't know what to do, Kuroo is the village hero, she saved everyone from the Demon Fox, to think that just because one person is paranoid about her future situations... Itachi knew what he had to do, he just wondered if he'd be fast enough to get there before he was stopped. 

So without another word as Danzo continued to rant about how dangerous Kuroo is and will be, Itachi teleported out of the room and raced as fast as he could to get to Minato and Kuroo.  


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