Chapter 9

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I am sooooooooooo sorry it took me this long to upload. I have been sick and got side tracked in some other books on Wattpad. I will say I am not going to take anyones ideas or anything. I think you guys on here have some really good books. Makes me feel like mine is not that good. Well I hope the long chapter makes up for the time I was gone. It was 15 pages in word :O. IKR! Well here is Chapter 9 to My cursh is a Wolf! Enjoy!!!


Chapter 9


( Luna's POV )



I woke up sooner then I really wanted to. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't after I felt the warmth leave me. So I gave up and got up. I went to the bathroom and turned on my shower to let it warm up as I went to get my clothes.

After my shower I dressed in a band tee and light washed jeans. I looked down at my out fit and felt it needed something. I reached in my dresser and pulled out a black Tripp skirt. It reached my mid thigh when I pulled it on over my jeans.

I made my way back to the bathroom. I pulled a comb threw my still damp hair. When I was down with that I got out my black eyeliner and put it on. No sooner the I finished there was a knock on my door. I came out my bathroom and went to my dresses for socks.

" Come in. " I called as I got out a pair of socks.

The door slowly opened as I slipped my socks on.

" LUNA!!!!! " Someone called and I froze.

I knew that voice. I turned so fast I almost hurt my neck.

" TIPSY!!!!! " I yelled and tackled my sister I have not seen in FOREVER! into a hug.

Tipsy has not changed at all! She still had black hair to her shoulders with green highlights, bright green eyes and maybe grow from 5'6 to about 5'9. I looked nothing like her or Derek. I always wondered why. Maybe I got hidden genes. Maybe they where a bunch of kidnappers and took me at a young age. Maybe they ate other humans and waited till I got older to eat me! Wait! What am I talking about?! This was my family! How did I even start to think like that.

I shook my head clear of the thoughts and talked with Tips. We laughed and talked till there was a knock on my door. Tipsy and I both turned to see who it was.

" HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUNA!!!! " The three girls called at once.

" STAR! GEM! JADE! " I screamed and pulled them all into a group hug.

" Hey! I want in on this hug to! " Tips said and we all laughed but pulled her in.

Once we all calmed down I though about what they said. Oh snap! It's my 16th birthday! That means its Halloween!!

" GUYS!! TODAY IS HALLOWEEN!!! " I yelled as I jumped up and down. I always LOVED Halloween!

" We know! " They all said at once and laughed.

" You know what that means! " I said with a big smile.

" Yeah. It's your birthday. " Gem said as she pulled back her long reddish brown hair.

I looked at her. " Other then that. "

That all looked at each other before returning their gazes to me.

" That means a few things. One: Yes its my birthday. Two: We get to have a party. Three: We get to watch " scary " movies. And lastly, The guys are most likely going to bring some dumb bimbos over to watch the movie with us. " I stopped at I watched their faces.

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