Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


( Derek's POV )

Gosh. I cant believe this just happened. On Luna's birthday no less! I still cant wrap My head around it. They are dead... Like really dead... And that dream Luna had just made it even more weird..

I sighed as I sat on the sofa in the darkness of the living room. Ty is sleeping in a chair in Luna's room in case the sleeping pills don’t work all night. I hope she is not to mad that I drugged her. I just didn’t want her to have that nightmare again.

I leaned My head on the back of the sofa and just stared at the blackness above me.

" Why now? Why on her birthday? Why ever? " I asked into the darkness.

I just sat there not knowing what to do. I know Luna is going to be down for a while. I need to think off a way to get it off her mind. Ty, Piper and I are planning something like a viewing. Though the bodies will be far to bloody and torn to see we came up with something. We planed on getting some plain colored balloons and writing on them something from the heart as we all say some words. After everyone has got to say what they want and did a writing if they wanted we would let them go.

Let them be free just like mom and dads souls. Let them read and hear that they are loved and will always be with us. At this moment I hope that they stay with Luna till she is feeling better. I think once we let the balloons go she will go back to her self some.

I opened My phone and the light made me see spots due to its brightness. When the spots cleared I seen the time.

4:39 AM

“ What a night. Guess I better get some sleep. “ I said to Myself.

I laid down on the sofa to tired to try to climb up the steps to get to My room. As soon as I was settled into a good spot I was out.


~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!* Next Morning ~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*

I woke up to someone rapping on the door. I rubbed My eyes as I grabbed My phone. I could see the daylight thru the curtains. I looked at My phone to see it was just shy of ten. I got up and went to the door. I opened it to see Jim and Piper.

“ Hey there Jim, Piper. “ I nodded to them in My half sleep state of mind.

“ Hey Derek. “ They both said.

“ What brings ya by? “ I asked after a yawn.

“ Piper told me what happen. I wanted to see if I could help out in anyway. I know its hard to handle but I thought with more help it would maybe ease it some. “ Jim said as he rests a hand on My shoulder.

I nodded. “ Oh, Well please both of you come in and have a seat. Well we are planning something but we have to find a place to do it at. We need open sky and a large open space so anyone can come and we have the room. “ I said as we sat down.

“ What is it that you are planning? “ Jim asked.

I sighed. “ Well we are planning to get some balloons, write some stuff on them like what they meant to us and all. Say some stuff about them and let them go so they can read what everyone said about them and what not. It was something we would do as a family on someone’s birthday. We would write a wish on the balloon and set it free. One day the wish may come true but it was something fun to do. “ I said.

“ I know a place you can use. You can even do it today if you want. it’s a small town to get the word around. Your going to slap your self when I tell you the place “ Jim laughed at the last part.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2011 ⏰

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