Chapter 4

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Edited 8/27/18

Chapter 4

Carson's POV

I turn to see Luna leaving. I though she was taking me to class? What happen? Is she ok? Why did she look sad? When I woke up today I never though I would find my mate. When I first seen her all I could do was smile and watch her. I was pulled from my thoughts when Ty called me.

" Hey Carson you ready to go? " He asked walking to the door.

" Yea, Sorry. " I said as I walked with him.

" So you moved here just for football? " Ty asked.

" That's how it started. It's nice here though. " I said looking around.

" Yea it can be. Just keep an eye on the girls. Most of them are just slut. They all want to date the football players. " Ty said turning a corner to a new hall.

" I seen that. They all keep staring at me. " I said with a low chuckle.

He laughed. " Any girls that got your eye so far? Maybe I can tell you if she is worth the time. " Ty asked.

I smiled at the thought of her. " Well there is one but I just met her. I don't want to rush into anything yet. " I said in a dream like tone.

He looked at me as we walked into the class room. " Who is she? I only seen you talk to like two chicks and one was Luna. "

I looked away slightly. " I met her in the office when I got here. " I lied to him.

He nodded. I knew I could not tell him the girl I like is Luna. I could tell he kept a close eye on her. And if he was just her brother's best friend I would hate to see what Derek would said or do if I told him I liked his little sister.

We walked in the room and I went to the teacher again. She was at her desk typing what looked to be the warm-up for the class when the bell rang.

" Hello Ma'am. I'm Carson Wolff. " I said in a nice tone.

She looked up and smiled. " Hello Carson and welcome to math 105. Today we are having a test so you will not have to take it. If you wish to try you may but it will not show on your grade if you don't take it. " She informed me

I nodded to her. " If I don't take it do I still stay here and do other work? " I asked.

" No. You don't have to today. We will start on a new chapter tomorrow and you may start there. For now if you wish, you can go to the library and read or work on other classes work if you like. " she told me.

I nodded. " May I got the the library? The paper from the first hour class I had said we are doing a project. I was going to go do some research for it. " I asked and told her.

" Yea sure. Your map will show you how to get there. When you get there just sign in and to what you have to do. You can't leave till the bell though. Then to the look of your class list you will go to lunch after this class. " She said at she gave me a hall pass.

" Yes Ma'am. I am just going to go let Ty and Derek know where I am going. Luna and them are showing me around today. " I told her.

" Ok. " Is all she said and when back to typing.

" Hey Ty. " I called as I walked to him.

" Hey there you are Carson. Meet our Quarter back. Carson this is Derek." Ty said pointing to a six foot guy. He had crew cut brown hair and green eyes. He looked nothing like his sister.

" Hello Derek. You look nothing like your sister. " I smiled at him and chuckled.

He laughed a little to. " Yea I know. I look like our mom and dad. She thinks we adopted her. " He laughed.

I chuckled. " I would have though she was your girlfriend or something if I didn't know you and see you out with her. "

He laughed as did Ty. " Yea, your new for sure. But that's not the the first time I have heard it. Luna dose not date much. Mostly because we tend to scare off any guy that may like her. I mean if you liked this girl and you seen her with a whole team of football players what would you think? That she was dating one of them? That if you try to talk to her they will kill you? The are a ton of reasons. " Derek said.

I nodded as the teacher asked the kids to take their seats.

" Well I will see you all at lunch. I am going to the library. "

" Ok. You will see us when you get to the lunch room. Come over and we will have you meet the team. " Derek said.

I nodded and left to the library. I go there and signed in and started looking for the books I would need. As I was looking I stared thinking. I went to reach for a book when I see another hand reach for the same one. I drew back when i seen who it was.

" Oh I'm sorry Carson. I didn't even know you were here. " Luna said as she took out her earphones.

" It- It's ok. I had a test this hour but the teacher said I didn't have to do it due to me being new. " I told her.

" Oh. So what are you doing here? " She asked.

" My history class ha-" I started.

" Has a project. I know. I didn't know you did yet. " She finished and said.

" So that why your here to I am guessing. " I said unsure.

She nodded. " Good guess. I hate history and that fact I have it first hour don't help. " She said.

" Yea I know the feeling. Maybe we can work together on it. " I said as I handed her the book we both reached for.

She smiled slightly and took the book. " I will think about it. But most likely will take the help. I kinda suck at History. " She said with a laugh.

How can she suck at anything. She looks like the girl that is great at everything she does. I will help her with anything she needs. I will still like her even if she could do nothing. Something about her made me want to be with her every step of her life and made me mad at the steps of her life I missed with her. I know I will have to take it slow with her. I don't want to hurt her. I don't want anyone to hurt her.

We sat and worked on the project the whole class. We talking about what to do it on and if we should do a poster, a powerpoint, a drawing..ect. She wanted it do drawing to put on a poster. I know she likes to draw. I seen one of her notebook. She was good at it to.

When the bell sounded she looked at her phone. " That was a fast hour. " She said and looked back at her phone replying to a few text and putting it away.

She got up and started packing her stuff up. I got up and helped her and she smiled at me as thanks. I returned the smile. Once we were both packed up we left off to the lunch room. I was about to meet the whole team. All the guys that would kill me if I ever hurt Luna. Oh goodness...the fear.


Sorry for spelling mistakes I make. I am not the best speller. I hope you like it!!






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