Chapter 11

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I am sorry it's been so long from the last upload. I will try to upload again real soon.


Chapter 11




( Derek's POV )




Piper handed me a folder. " They are the papers on you kids and the will. Luna's is in there. Seeing you are 18, You can watch her. You have been doing it the whole time anyway. I can call a lawyer to look over the will for you guys if you like. " She said.


" Do you know what happen to them? " Ty asked here.


" Sadly no. There was a car crash but they were not found in the car. They were in the woods off the road. They said it looked like they had bite marks on them and some cuts on them as well. I will bring there belongings to you once they are done with them. " She said standing up.


" Who ever did it, if someone did. Was just out to kill them. The money they had was still there along with all the credit cards and what not. " She said eyeing us sadly.


" Well we thank you and if you find out anything please be sure to tell us. " I said. And she nodded.


" Oh. Please don't tell Luna. Make sure no one does. I think it's best that Derek and I tell her when the time is right. " Ty said as we stood up.


" I am sure that will make her feel better then me telling her. If any of you need me you know how to get me. I am sorry Derek. I know you loved you father and you and Luna were very close to your mother. Tyler, I know you are pretty much family. That is why I asked you to be here also. I know Dave and Sue would be proud of you helping Derek and Luna. You are like there other son. I can tell Tipsy is you like. I know she was away for about five or six years. " Piper said.


" So if Tipsy is older then me then why do I get Luna? Shouldn't Tips get her? " I said thinking out loud.


" She would but you must have forgot that she is only your half sister. Even though she is what? 23? Dave was not her dad. I know she would take care of her but Luna would go to her if you are not 18. Just read over the papers I gave you and I think you will understand more. " She said and nodded her head to the papers I placed on the coffee table.


" I will Piper. Thank you again. " I said with a sad, small smile.


She turned and walked to the door. Ty got the door for her. After she left I dropped on the sofa letting it all sink in. Ty came and sat next to me as he let it sink in to. My parents really did look at Ty as their other son. He was always here to help. But right now there is nothing we can do. We don't know what all happened. All we know is that My mom and dad are dead. I was to shocked to cry. I was to numb to feel the pain. I was so lost in the news to think.


Oh man. How is Luna going to take this. Mom and dad died on her birthday. I am sure that is going to be the worst day of her life.

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