Chapter 1

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Edited 8/27/18


Chapter 1

The bell rang and everyone started into the school. Our school was like any other school. We had Jocks, Nerds, Pothead, and the girls every girl wanted to be and the guys wanted to be with. I made my way to my class. As I entered the room I went to my seat and pulled out my iPod.

" Morning class. " Mrs. Gorman said to the class.

All I thought was ' Ugh! History '. Who wants that as the first class of the day? I put in my headphones as the teacher started talking about what they are going to do today. The music was low so I could still hear a little of what was going on, I always had my music on. After a while the teachers stopped asking me to turn it off. I did my work and got passing grades.

I was humming lowly to Daft Punk's Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger when the phone on the teachers desk sounded. She when over and picked it up. When she was done she hung up and when back to the front of the room.

" Luna. Coach would like to see you in his office. " She stated and went back to teaching.

I packed up the few things I had out as I felt some eyes on me. Some of the girls in the class where staring at me. I got up and left the room as I put my backpack over one of my shoulders. As I walked one of the guys off the team ran up next to me. I look up to see Zach. Zach was about 6'3 like almost all the guys on the team. He had short spiked black hair and brown eyes. I always felt short around the team. I am only 5'5.

" Hey Luna. Where ya goin'? " He asked in a somewhat goofy voice.

" Coach called me down. " I said as I put my iPod in my hoodie pocket. " And you? " I asked looking at him.

He laughed. " The bathroom. " He held up the pass and we laughed.

As I said. We are all like one big family. We are open with each other and are there if some one needs us. Some of the players come over so much they should just move in to save the trip. I am like the little sister that they all, and I mean ALL, look after. They all said they will never let anyone mess with me even if I told them there was no need.

" Well this is my stop. " Zach said outside the guys bathroom. I giggled.

He gave me a hug and I hugged back and went to the room two doors down. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

" Come in. " Coach said in his deep voice.

I opened the door and walked in. " You needed to see me Coach. " I said as I shut the door.

He was at his desk checking his e-mail. He has dark brown eyes and dark skin with tattoos here and there. His hair is black with some greys. He told the team it was because of us and he named a hair after each of us.

He turned and looked at me. " Yes, I do. " He said as he got up.

Anyone that was not on the team was scared of Coach. The team knows the other side of him. He can be scary if you piss him off. Other then that is is always nice, caring, and to me a big teddy bear. He always treated me as one of his players. If they have to make the grades to play, I have to make the grades as well.

He reached in a box and pulled out a jersey in a wrapper. He handed it to me and I looked down at it. It was new. I looked up to Coach.

" You want me to take this to one of the player? " I asked.

He laughed with his deep voice sounding in his chest. " No, I want you to wear it. I got new jerseys for the team. " He said.

I looked at the jersey then back to him. " So why am I getting one? " I asked watching him sit back down in his chair and leans back in it looking at me.

" Are you not the manger of this team?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow at me.

" No Sir. I am the manger of this team. " I said keeping my eyes locked with his.

He smiled " Then you are part of this team, you have been for a year now. It was about time you got one. " he said as he nodded to the jersey in my hand and we both smiled.

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