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May Allah bless you abundantly, protect you, keep you steadfast and grant you  what's best for you in both worlds. May He grant you Jannatul Firdaous. May Allah take away all the sadness that dims the colour of your eyes, may He grant you happiness, and may you enter Jannah with your loved ones. Amin


* Strawberries
* Pineapples
* Blueberries
* Red grapes
* Kiwi
* Mandarin oranges
* Bananas
* Honey
* Limes


* chop fruits (except blueberries) and add to a large mixing bowl.

* In a small mixing bowl, whisk together the honey, lime zest and lime juice.

* Pour dressing over fruit just before serving and toss to evenly coat and serve.

* Pour dressing over fruit just before serving and toss to evenly coat and serve

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