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* 1/2 pounds strawberry (fresh)
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* 1 pint vanilla ice cream
* 1/2 cup of milk
* Garnish: small whole strawberries


* Cut the top of the strawberries, and slice them into a few pieces. In a medium bowl combine the sliced strawberries, sugar and vanilla extract and stir to combine well. Set aside and allow to sit, if you have time, for atleast 20 minutes and up to 1 hour.

* Place the strawberries with any juice, ice cream and milk into a blend. Blend until smooth. Pour into large glasses, and if desired put a strawberry on the rim of each glass and serve immediately.

"The holy prophet (s.a.w) said, there are appropriate spiritual rewards for all worship and righteous action; the ultimate reward of the person who observes the fast solely for winning the pleasure of Allah is Allah himself".

Ramadan Mubarak, don't forget to read your Qur'an...

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