School -.-

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-Skipping warped cause I can-

"Train, wake up." Tony- Uh dad said while shakeing me 

I groaned and got up after dad left. After warped tour I was forced to start going to school. Which wasnt my choice sadly...

After taking a shower and doing the usual, I put on a my PTV shirt with the roses on it and black ripped skinny jeans with a red flannel. Even though it was like 90 deggreses outside I had to put the flannel on so the guys wouldnt see them. I honestly never stoped cutting. The guys would hate me if they found out I kept doing it.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a apple. But instead of getting to eat that apple my arm was grabbed and the apple was taken out of my hand. 

"Eat, You havent been eating." Mike said while makeing me sit down and putting a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast infront of me.

I hated eating I was already fat enough. But yet I still ate the eggs because I knew Mike and the guys would be mad if I didnt. I ate hald of the eggs.

"Can I go now before im late..." 

"Yes now you may go. Want me to drive you?"

"No ill just walk." I said while grabbing my black back pack that I had decorated with tons of band logos.

I put on my converse and grabbed my skate borad and left. I skated half way there mainly because I wanted to avoide as many people I could. Dylan and Kells werent gonna be at the same school as many manily cause Kells is in Michigan.

After a while I got to the school already not wanting to be there. I picked up my skateborad and walked to my locker. I had already been given a tour and figured out my schedule. I opened up my locker and put my skateboard in there. 

I ran to class because I was almost late. I took a seat in the back and put in my headphones and listened to BOTDF. 

Before I knew it all of my classes were done. I didnt want to walk home agian but I didnt want to make the guys come get me. 

To Train

From. Turtle Dad :3

Want me to pick you up? Its supposed to rain.

To Turtle Dad :3

I guess.

After a while Dad picked me up and we went home.

"I have to go with the guys but Vic will stay here. Okay?"

To be honest I wanted to spend some time with him but whatever "K..."

And with that he left. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"I guess. You choose by the way."

"Ok." After him takeing forever he ended up chooseing Rush Hour 2 (IF YOU WATCH THIS I LOVE YOU)

He jumped onto the couch hitting my cuts a bit. I let out a little scream cause it hurt reallt bad K? K..

"Cmon I didnt hit you that badly."

I just kept quiet and cuddled and watched the movie with him.

-Time skip to next day at school-

I found out that we werent allowed to listen to music during class. 

I walked into the girls bathroom seeing a group of blond girls whispering and looking at me.

"Oh look its the emo." said one of them walking over to me and punching me in the stomach. All of the breath was knocked out of me. She kept punching me until I fell over. She kicked me in the face makeing my nose bleed.

The bell rang and they left. After a few mins I finnally got the strength to get up and clean the blood off of my face. I left the bathroom and walked out side crying. I ended up calling Dad.

( You know how it works T= Train D= Dad)

T= "Hey can you come pick me up please. I cant handle this.

D= Okay, I'll come. Be there in a few minuetes.

T= K, Bye.


"Okay tell me what happend." Dad said while seating me down on the couch by him.

"Nothing I just cant handle it."

"There has to be a reason. Tell me and i'll let you get any pierceing even facial."

"Fine. There were some girls calling me emo and stuff and sorta punched me and kicked me. " I said it in more of a question.

"Oh my god, Are you alright?" He said while hugging me tightly.

"Uh yea its just that my nose started bleeding other than that im fine.'

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