I'm sorry

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The next morning everyone was up and Vic Tony and Mike had to go record some stuff. Leavening me here with Jamie because they don't trust me enough.

"Hey I'm going to go write for a little,bit but then we can go do something." Jamie said

"Okay.." I said calmly. But inside I was panicking what if he noticed that his sharpener was gone.

He walked upstairs and for a few minutes it was alright but them I heard.

"TRAIN!?!!?!" He said while comeing downstairs

"Yea?" I said while looking at a slightly mad Jaime.

"Hand me the sharpner now.." He said while holding out His hand

"I don't have it...." I said while Jamie got out his phone

"I know you'll give it to Vic.." He said while of course calling Vic.

-conversation over the phone-

"Hey Vic?"

"Yea can you come home.."

"I can't find my sharpner and im pretty sure Train has it"

"Okay bye"

-end,of phone call-

Soon the door open and walked in Vic.

" Come on train! I thought we were getting over this. God I can't leave you for two damn seconds. Maybe I should let Tony send you away." After he said it he regretted it

'See even he wants you to leave! ' she said

I winced at the words then realized that they were true. I'm just a waste of space on earth.

I stand up " okay. I can see where I'm not wanted. You don't have to send me away I'll send myself away. I love you guys so much and you made my life so much better but I'm sorry that I could be the perfect niece you wanted.." After I said that I ran upstairs into,the bathroom locking the door

I broke the pencil sharpner and,got the blade out. I heard the guys feet pounding upstairs.

I took the blade and found my vein and dragged it down. I heard the door crack.

'Hurry up before they stop you.' She said

I started to find the vein but the door smashed open and Vic grabbed the blade while Jaime cleaned up the blood and my arm.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble

"It's okay.. " Vic said as he hugged me tightly

(A/n okay so is this better? XD idk )

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