Chapter 57: Great 13

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Aquila and Scorpius birthday.... January

Teddy POV

I walked into the Malfoy Manor around noon, before the party, with my wife.  We got back from our honeymoon yesterday, just in time for the party. I heard laughter coming from the kitchen.  So we made our way to the kitchen and found the young ones in the kitchen. 

"Hey they're back!" Orion greeted us.  

Everyone came to hug us and then I saw the cutest thing.  

I saw my daughter in a blue onesie, a chocolate chip cookie in her mouth, her face dusted with flower, sitting on the counter in front of Cal.  

"Look at how cute that is." I sang, catching both their attention.  

Cal smiled while Tresor gurgled and clapped her hands. 

"Dada." I smiled, 

"Hey treasure." I said picking her up.  I kissed her head and turned to Vic, who was holding our son. 

"They didn't cause too much trouble did they?" She asked worriedly.  

"They were perfectly fine Vic." Aunt Tori said coming over to give me a hug. 

I had Tresor on my hip while I snatched a cookie from the plate. 

"How was the honeymoon?" James asked. 

"It was great." I said "how's things with you and Aquila?" 

"Great.  I took her out dress shopping the other day.  We went to the shop, I paid.  Then we went for lunch in London.  Which was great. Then I took her to the park near there where we had a nice walk." 

"I know what it's like.  These are the best times in a relationship.  Remember them and never let it go." 

"Will do." He drawled. 

I laughed.  I grabbed another cookie and handed it to Tresor, who happily took it. 

"You like sweets huh?" She nodded.  "Just like your mother." I muttered. 

I felt a kiss on my cheek, "what was that?" She asked grabbing a cookie. 

"Nothing, sweetheart." I said pecking her lips. "Just how much I love you." 

"Mmmhmmm." She handed a cookie to Remus.  

"Guys there's five hours until dinner, we need to get ready." Lily said running into the kitchen.  

"Well Hello to you too, Little moon." I said. 

"Vic!" She yelled giving her a hug.

"Teddy." She said giving me a hug. I kissed the top of her head. 

"Let's get ready." Della said getting up from her seat at the table.  

Vic took Tresor from me. "Here take Remus." I took my son while she took my daughter

"Have fun." I kissed her lips before kissing Tresor's head.

The girls left the kitchen leaving us with a plate of cookies and four hours till we had to get ready.  

"So have any fun while we were gone?" I ask to no one in particular.

"You'll get a kick out of this." Orion started.

Two hours later... 

Aquila POV

I walked out of my shower into the steam filled room.  A large fluffy towel wrapped around my body.  I dried my hair quickly and did my skin care routine.   I walked out in my fluffy robe to the girls dancing and singing to some music.  

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