Chapter 107: Our Little ...

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"Congratulations it's a girl." Madam Pomfrey smiled at us. 

"A girl." Dom breathed. 

A girl.

A little girl.

Our little girl. 

Madam Pomfrey muttered something else and the image became a moving sonogram in our hands.  

"I'll give you two some time," she said softly before closing the curtain around us.  

I sat there processing everything when a soft hand grabbed mine, "Cal, say something." her angelic voice whispered. 

"We're having a girl." I heard myself whisper

"Yes, we are." she laughed. 

I shot up and wrapped my arms around her. "We're having a girl." I grinned into her neck.

Her arms wrapped around me and she pushed my hair back from my face.  

"I take it you're excited?" She pondered.

I pulled my head back, still hovering over her, "You have no idea." I couldn't stop the smile on my face.

I kissed her softly, her arms around my neck, I shifted down to her baby bump, her hands weaving through my hair, pushing it back.  I kissed her stomach, "Hey little girl," Dom giggled as I talked to her stomach, "I'm your daddy, the girl you're inside is your mummy, and we love you so much.  Please don't cause your mum too much pain, I can't stand to see her in it.  I know you'll be just as beautiful and smart as your mother.  And you don't know it yet, but you're the most important thing in our lives, you always will be."  I kissed the bump again. "I love you, cacahuete."

I heard sniffles and my head darted up to my girlfriend. 

Tears ran down her face but she smiled at me brightly. 

I kissed the bump once more before shifting back up to hold my girl in my arms. 

"That was so sweet." She sniffled, letting out a laugh. 

I chuckled and held her closer, 

"You're doing to be a great father," she grinned, and I gave her one back, 

"And you will be an amazing mother." I kissed her head before helping her out of the bed.  

I walked us back to our room, the smile never leaving my face.

We got into the room and got ready for bed, I couldn't stop grinning. I slipped under the covers.

I wrapped my arms around Dom's waist and rest my hands on our baby girl. 

I kissed the dip of her neck and sighed in content as she traced patters over my hand and arms. 

I felt my eyes flutter closed, and slipped into a deep sleep. 

The next morning

Aquila POV

I walked up to the Ror where Cal said to meet up, apparently he has some big news to tell us.  

I opened the door to see mostly everyone there.  I walked over to my boyfriend and sat down on his lap, resting my head in the crook of his neck.  He stopped his conversation with Gabe to kiss my head before turning back to him. 

I didn't mind at all.  

I snuggled into him when the door opened and everyone turned to them, getting silent. 

the dragon's daughterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora