Chapter 77: but who?

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Astoria POV

A two weeks later...

The past few weeks have been hectic since the kids came back.  

Everyone hit the ground running, and it burned us out so fast.

We decided to take a break, allow our minds to adjust then get back to it.

George, Angelina, Freddy, Roxy and Della are in Japan for a few more days after Freddy and Della went to Bora Bora for a week.

Rose was recently brought out of an Amortentia scandal, which the kids don't think we know about.  We almost had to kill Ron in order to stop him from killing Anthony.  

Who I am forever disappointed in, now.

Richie has stuck by Orion's side since that night.

I honestly feel bad for him, he didn't deserve that.

He tries to act like it didn't happen, but at night I hear him and Orion talk. 

James has been by Aquila's side until he left for Hawaii with Harry, Ginny, Albus and Lily. 

How he's not crumbling to the floor yet, I don't know. 

Draco told me about the talk he had with him that night.

I think he's actually warming up to the idea of him and his daughter. 

Though we still need to make progress. 

Scorpius is ecstatic that Rose is back to normal.  Through this vacation he's been closer to Aquila.  

Cal is writing letters to Dominique every minute of the day.

She's in Greece with Bill, Louis, Fleur, Vic, Teddy, and the twins.  

And there's Lyra. 

My beautiful daughter. 

Who is very much alive. 

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that she's here.

A young woman, grown up.

She's still my little girl every time I look at her.  

She's getting along with Cal, Orion, Scorp and Aquila well.  But I can tell it's weird for them. 

Draco even confessed that he get a bit weird in the beginning. 

It wasn't natural for us. 

I'm glad she's back but under what circumstances.

She's a beautiful and smart young lady, and I'm upset that I couldn't see her grow into that.  

Every year on Cal's birthday, we'd imagine what she'd look like and what she'd be like. 

Let's say that it was close but not entirely. 

We'd never imagine being captive for over a decade.  And still being alive at that.

Sooner than later we'll be used to it, but it'll take some adjusting. 

As sad as that is. 

I missed all these years with my first daughter. 

"Love?" I was snapped to reality by my husband's voice. 

"Yeah." I looked up to his steep grey eyes  

"Are you okay?" He looked concerned. 

"Yeah, just thinking." I said, leaning more into his chest. 

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