Chapter 69: you didn't

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June... Hogwarts Express... platform 9 3/4

Gabe POV

I kissed the top of Anya's head while I hugged her close to me.  

"Hey, maybe you can come over sometime.  Mum and dad are usually on work and it's me and my siblings alone." I tried to cheer her up. I lifted her face to look at me, I ran my thumb over her cheek, wiping her tears. 

She nodded and smiled before burying her face in my chest.  I kissed the top of her head, smoothing down her hair.  I let go and kissed her before grabbing our trunks and readied to get off.  Her hand slipped into the crook of my elbow and she clung to my arm.  I lead us off the Hogwarts Express and turned to look at her. 

"Where are..?" I trailed off. 

She smiled at me, "over there." She pointed to a young man and women.  They looked really young.  I walked towards them, her still holding my arm.  We stopped a little I front of them.  They both looked at me warily, I guess this is a weird image.  

The woman looked more like Anya.  The hair, the eyes, the face, the build.  But she has her fathers skin tone.

"Mum, dad, this is Gabe." They both looked at me shocked.

"You're Gabe?" Her mother asked, more kind then I thought.  However the father just glared at me.  

"Yes ma'am." I nodded, setting the trunks down.

"How old are you?" The father spit out. 

"15 sir. Just finished fourth year." I replied calmly.  

I anticipated this sort of thing for a while.  I know some people are protective of their children, especially when they start dating.  I'm definitely going to be this way with Lana.  Can't blame them.

"Daddy." Anya sighed letting go of me to hug her father's waist. "Please, be nice." She looked up to him with her big eyes.

Even though I know this trick it still works on me too.  

"I just want to know the boy." He grumbled, glaring at me slightly, "you do know she's not even a teen yet, right?" 

"Of course sir." I nodded. 

"And what do you think of it?  Will you force her into anything? How can I trust you?"

"I know she's young, but that does not mean I look at her in a different way.  I would never put her in a situation where she felt forced or uncomfortable.  She has the right to decided when and in what terms.  This relationship is purely based of mutual feelings.  I can't tell you to trust me, trust us earned not warranted." I finished. 

"And what do you think of her?"

"She's beautiful, definitely got her mother's looks.  She's smart, she's kind.  She's understanding, and pure innocent.  She's amazing.  I feel lucky to have her for the time being.  And I would love to see where this relationship goes from here.  I'm not saying forever, but if it turns out to be, I wouldn't complain one bit."  

Anya looked at me like I had spoken the words of Merlin.  

Her dad looked slightly impressed, yet still didn't like me.  Her mother however smiled fondly at me.  

"Daddy, give him a chance." Anya pleaded. 

"You have my blessing.  But one slip up and you're done." He warned. 

Anya and the mother beamed at me.  

I smiled at them.  Anya walked over and hugged my waist. I wrapped my arm around her and kept my eye contact on the father before kissing her head.  

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