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This wasn't suppose to happen. Maybe my presence is unwanted. "(Yourname ), where are you?" I hear Ichigo yelling my name. How the hell he knew I'm here. I sigh, "im right here Ichigo." I had approached him. "I DONT GET IT. WHY ARE THEY AFTER YOU?" Ichigo had grip my shoulders as he looked at my face. "You should go, Ichigo." I looked coldly at him. "I'm not leaving till you tell me what's going on," Ichigo refuse to leave. "Fine then, well I will leave instead," I was about to leave when Ichigo grabed my shoulders, pulled me into his chest, lift my chin upward, and give me a deep kiss. I was panting by how he was trying to devour my lips. I was blushing, "Ichigo, what are you doing?" "Im kissing you," Ichigo said in a seductive voice. I was pissed. I shove Ichigo off of me and jump into a portal to another dimension.


man, I'm so stupid for what I did. What was I thinking? Well, I guessed I head to the Soul Society. 30 minutes later~

I am taking a walk in the soul society to cool of my nerves. "Ichigo, Yamamoto would like to speak to you," I see Toshiro appeared in front of me with serious eyes as usual. "Ok," I head into Yamamoto room. "Did you want to see me sir?" I asked. "Please, ichigo, take a seat," He said as he pointed out to a futon. I had take a seat. "Would you like some tea, Kurosaki?"

"No, sir. Anyway, why am I hear?" I am really confused by what is really going on. "It's about this girl (Yourname). She is a danger to any type of world, that's why I need her locked up here with your help," Yamamoto was very serious about this. "Why do I need to do it, I love her," I realize that tears was pouring out my eyes. "ICHIGO, SHE KILLED 20000 PEOPLE IN THE SOUL SOCIETY. THAT IS WHY I NEED YOU TO SET A TRAP FOR HER. DO THIS FOR THE SOUL SOCIETY AND THE OTHERS," Yamamoto yelled at me. "Yes, sir," I hate to do this but I guess I really have no choice.

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