{Yourname} Vs. Syazel

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I draw my sword. "Why did you betray us, {Yourname}?" Syazel looked at me. "Because I love Ichigo," I answer his question. He sigh. "This isn't real." "Well, it is real," I say. "Well, anyway talk is ober. Let's fight so I can get this crap over with." Syazel took a doo doo doll that looked just like me. "What is that?" I looked at him with a confused expression on my face. "You will see, my dear," Syazel open the head of the doo doo doll. Then he took out this green piece of bean that's in there. And then he popped it. I looked at him with a bored expression on my

face"Really dude. Nothing happen." Syazel was stunned that his project didn't work. "What are you?" He looked at me with a scared expression on his face. "A monster," I ran up to him with my sword and slice him in half. "How weak," I say to myself. I head to where Ichigo is. I see him fighting Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra looked at me as he is fighting Ichigo, then he stopped. No way, he is winning. I ran towards Ichigo but Orifice hold me back. Right before my eyes, Ulquiorra digged his hand in Ichigo chest. "This man you are in love with is nothing but a piece of trash, {Yourname}." Ichigo lifeless body fall on the ground. "ICHIGO!!" I yelled.

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