Ichigo x reader part 2 Memory

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I wanted to be friends with Ichigo but every time I get near him, he always ignore and bully me. I know Orihime loves him, but it seems like he can't remember me at all.


I was eight years old. I was walking down the graveyard to get to the river because my father was abusing me and doing test experiments. I saw a boy with silky orange hair, sorrow brown eyes that was crying in agony. I walk towards the boy and I said, "are you okay?" "It's my fault that my....my.... MOM IS DEAD!!!!," the boy was crying really hard as snot came down his nose. "It's okay to lose someone important to you but it's not your fault, besides your mother is in heaven now and she won't like it if you're crying," I said as I hold tightly to his skinny body as I was stroking his hair. He smiled at me and said, "my name is ichigo." I was happy because Ichigo was my first friend. I smiled." My name is (your name) (Last name)," I said as I had grab Ichigo hand leading him to my secret hide out. "W- where are we going?" Ichigo said hestitantly. "We are going to see my favorite cherry blossom tree," I said happily. We finally headed to my favorite place. A beautiful shining clear blue water was aligning with the moon, the grass was pure and wet, and the cherry blossom tree was in the middle of the field as its Sakuras was flying of the tree as the wind breeze blow. "This is my favorite place I will go when I am sad and lonely," I grab Ichigo hands and climb up the cherry blossom tree with him." It's really beautiful," Ichigo eyes was shining bright with happiness ad he watch the lovely scene covering him.

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