Untitled Part 3

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As another day in school go by, I saw Ichigo walking happily with Orihime. I must master up my courage to talk to him. I took a steady breath and approach Ichigo,"um...Ichigo-san ."- my whole body was shaking my fingers were clutch tightly to my shirt trembling."you must be (your name)-chan," Orihime was smiling at me brightly. Ichigo gave me a cold glare if telling me to go away. "Today is when you go visit your mother right?" I asked. "HOW DID-," Ichigo was cut off by the Bell."man, that's too bad. I wanted to talk longer (your name)-chan," Orihime had waved goodbye and left so did Ichigo. It was lunch time, I am on the roof opening up my bento Box WITH octopus suasage in it, rice balls,egg roles, and last for all chocolate pudding with cute goo goo eyes on them. Someone had open the rooftop door, I had looked up, and it was just Ichigo. Ichigo walked towards me, sit down besides me and say,"how did you know about my mother?" "You told me when you was 8 years old," I was eating my rice balls. Ichigo was surprised by my answer, "were you that girl who showed me the cherry tree?" I got something for him for being mean and forgetting me. "Bingo, you have remembered. Now my work is done here," I had put down my bento box, climb up the school rooftop fence. Ichigo was stunned for what I was about to do,"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I had jumped off the roof but stand on the sky like a piece off glass. I am a half hollow and half fallen angel. "I'd fool you Ichigo, I am not like you shinigamis," I was smiling and fly back on the school roof. "I guess you didn't hate me after all ichigo," I had looked at him with my (eye color) orbs. Ichigo was about to say something but both of us see two soul reapers in front of us, one of them is Byakuya Kuchiki and Rukia Kuchiki. Oh no, I have been discovered, what am I going to do? I had got up, made me a portal, and jumped inside. "(Your name) Wait!!" Ichigo was yelling at me to tell me not to run away. Byakuya looked coldly at Ichigo and said,"do you even know who she is to the world of the living and the dead?" "What are you talking about?" Ichigo was confused by what is happening. "She is the destruction of hollows, arrancers, and soul respers. That's why we need to cage her," Rukia had said as she has looked at Ichigo with trouble eyes.

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