If you went insane

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Willy Wonka

He was worried for his own child was enjoying self-reflexive pain to their self, he would hear you giggling in the middle of the night and out of no where you would scream at the top of your lungs, he didn't know what happened to you so he sent you away until you were better

Jack Skellington

He walked in to see you claw your eyes out, he started to freak out and called Sally which she held you down while Jack wrapped Bandages over your eye lids to hold the bleeding back, you would sing softly as you enjoyed the pain and Jack knew you were not in a right state of mind.

He felt heart broken as he and the doc tied you up and threw you into a white room.

Victor and Emily.

They noticed the mood change in you and when they ask what's wrong all you do is giggle and walk away slowly, oneday Emily woke up to you biting your arms causing black blood to drip down she yelled for Victor who tied his jacket around you to prevent feather damage to yourself.

Later they brought you to the bar where everyone tried to solve what was wrong.


You both are insane but yours wasn't a good way, Beetlejuice walked in to see you whispering to yourself and locking yourself away, he would noticed all the dead small animals around the place and finally it let to you which broke his heart, he tied you away and didn't come back for a while..

Sweeney Todd

He walked in on you carving your arms with his Razor when he took it away he looked to your arms which read , 'Love Daddy' his eyes widen and he immediately pinned you down as he called for Ms Lovette to call the insane asylum, he cried as he watched his pride and joy get tooken away.

Edward ScissorHands

He locked you away in a room, he caught you eating a dead rat and your old flesh which grossed him out, you would howl at night waiting to be let out, but that day never came for all you could do was sit there, alone.

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