The Doctors said.......that....

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DID YOU really think I was gonna leave y'all hanging like that....?

PROBABLY but I got you now lol enjoy!!


Diggy PVO

I was driving as fast as I could, what the hell is wrong with YN ...did I do this. Is she sick and not tell me ...idk. I keep one in the wheel and I hold her hands.She starts to calm down.I mean too think about it it's not al ot of blood.Everything was running through my mind I didn't know what to do, i don't know what caused this but I have to get her to the hospital.


I am terrified to find if there is really something wrong with me...just when i am about to scream at the top of my lungs and break down. Diggy tightly grabs my hand and calms down and tries to smile to reassure me that I am going to be ok.But I don't want to hurt him again, every thing with me not being pregnant and him being busy with work...less sex and time together. i don't know what i'm gonna do...I can't do this all over again.We finally get to the hospital for what feels like an eternity. Diggy opens my door and carries me into the hospital bridal style. He sits me down in a chair, kisses my hand and runs to get a nurse. They put me in a wheel chair and role me off to a room.My stomach was killing me and the blood keep coming and coming.

Doctor Smith:Where is the pain?

YN: My stomach and i'm bleeding ....down there.

Doctor S: ok let me take a look* since they had no time to change you into a hospital gown, he lifted up Diggy long over-sized sweat shirt and felt around.

YN:*Squirming and the touch of his cold latex gloves, Diggy quickly holds your hand to relax you.

Doctor S:Well there seems to be some swelling and your cervix has been, how can I say...shifted. If you don't mind me asking when is the last time you were sexually active?

Both you and Diggy stop making eye contact and look away*

Diggy: Maybe an hour/2 ago...? *You start to turn red*

Doctor S:Nothing to alarm you but it's not that bad,I have to wait for the rest of the swelling to go down before I run more tests. So you have to stay the night. *throwing gloves away*

Diggy: is it ok that I stay with her?

Doctor S: Sure but you to take it easy ok? *smiling*

Diggy and YN: Sure thing doc

Doctor:Alright you two have a good rest of the night, try and relax , i will be back in the morning. *Closing the door*

YN:Diggy come and hold me please

Diggy:*Crawling in the hospital bed with you, holding you tighter than ever* Baby i am so sorry if I did this*Kissing you*

YN:it's ok You made me feel special and the way we made love you shouldn't apologize for that. I love you

Diggy:I love you too.

y'all fall asleep and so do your worries or any thing to serious. Later the night YN begins to sweat and bleed again.....your stomach is killing you.You get up and try to make it to the bathroom and you fall.The thud wakes Diggy from his sleep he comes to get you takes you to the bathroom and calls for the nurse and Doctor to come and help.He returns to the bathroom to hold you and calm yo.But it hurts so bad you scream in pain, the tears continue.Finally Doctor S shows up.Diggy carries you back to the bed, the doctor puts on new gloves and feels around again...his eyes widen and he calls for the nurse.She roles in with a machine and pulls it into the wall. He puts the cold gel on your stomach both you and Diggy realize it is an ultrasound, your breathes get heavier.

Doctor S: I believe it is just that you are passing a kidney stone but I want to be sure.

Both you and Diggy stare and the screen with nervousness..........and you see a head.

You both begin to cry in excitment.

Doctor S: Congrats your having a baby boy.....would you like to hear his heart beat...?

Diggy:* huggs you * yes

His heart beat sounds like music you two are so happy! but your pain returns.

YN:Doctor what's wrong with me?

Doctor S:Checks again are 10 cm dilated...your having this baby now.


I hope you like this chapter and thank you for reading




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