Hospital Surprise

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Doctor S:Your 10 cm dilated ....your having this baby now.

Nurse we have to move her to the delivery room.


those words replayed in my head and they were unbeliveable

I began to get nervous again. Diggy never let go of my hand and he help roll me out of the room. Diggy's nose started to turn red and that means he is really nervous.When we got to the delivery room, there were nurses running around sterilizing there hands and clothing. Diggy swooped me up and from the wheel chair they put me in and laid me on the new bed. Doctor S. checked my blood pressure and the baby's heart rate both were extremely high. Soon I would have to start pushing, Diggy relaxed me by rubbing my back...but the pain was still unimaginable.

Diggy:Babe do you want an epidural?


Doctor S.:I'm sorry to tell you but it is to late to get any form of pain killers..and your blood pressure is way to high...we have to get this baby out now.

YN: Can I start pushing now? *contractions feel like they're getting strong and stronger*

Doctor S. ok mr....?*directed to Diggy*

Diggy: Simmons

Doctor S.: Mr. Simmons I need you to hold YN's legs back so she can push, can you handle that.

Diggy:Yes sir*Pushes you leg back, you grab on to his arm and hold on to him*

Doctor S.*They bring in the mirror so you can see the baby coming out.* Push on three.....1........2.......3 push

you push for as long as you can you try and steady your breathe and it's like you leave the room and have a flash back


I know after I had taken the test that I had gained like 20 pounds but I was also eating more.I wasn't skinny to begin with but I didn't look pregnant. I was worried that me not taking the right prenatal vitamins and my diet wasn't healthy and me and Diggy just had sex not even 24 hours ago......did we hurt our baby boy, will he be ok?

I was snapped back in to reality

Doctor S.I see the head one more big push YN......1......2......3.

Diggy looked at me in amazement he kissed you head, well you remained holding on to his arm. Surprisingly you remained quiet, minus just a few grunts and squeaks. Yon push with all of your might and the baby comes all the way out.You see you baby boy for the first time.He looked just like a perfect combination of you and Diggy. The nurses lay him on your chest before they take him to clean him.You hear is loud and healthy cry, I tear slips out and you look over and Diggy and he is crying too.

Doctor S:Great job YN.. but I have some still have more work to do...

YN:Don't play with us like that doc, we have had enough surprises for awhile.

Diggy:Are you talking about the after birth

(what the baby lives off of ..Its like a sack)

Doctor S.:Well she has to push that out...but there is another baby.

Yn: ok that's really not funny

Diggy: twins...?

Doctor S: Yes, I lie to you not.

both of your eye widened

Doctor S: Yn I know this Is really crazy but I need you to focus and I need you to push, Diggy Push her leg back just like before same thing.Nurse bring back a new bed for this baby. on 3 1........2.......3

Yn pushed and this baby came out faster than the first one more push and the baby was out..they looked Identical.This one was a baby girl that looked just like YN. They laid her on your chest..she wasn't crying but her eyes have opened and smiled at you and Diggy.You had no words...they had to take her away and make sure she could cry.They ran tests on both on the babies, you still didn't have names for the babies.....You laid there so tired, Diggy climbed in the bed after coming back from checking on the babies.

YN: How are they?

Diggy: they're both are you *kissing you fore head*

Yn: Better now that I know that they're ok. Still in shock ...I was pregnant this whole time.

Diggy:I know, we are truly blessed, I called my mom and she started crying on the phone,at first she thought I was joking and almost cussed me out *laughing* My family is at the house setting up cribs and putting all the clothes in their closets, and toys, diapers and other baby stuff.Later they are coming to the hospital......if you feel up to it..?

YN: Of course..just let me get some rest.* you start to drift off*

~YN Dream~

The same dream the same dream that stated this whole thing was now complete..with me walking down to they altar meeting Diggy. The preacher says what they say..I get distracted because I see a little body in a dress I look down

...?:Hi mommy (smiling and waving) Hi daddy

you look over to Diggy*smiling* and you look down and see a little boy next to his leg dressed in a little tux.

.....?:Hey mom

You begin to repeat after the preacher and so does Diggy..he places a the ring on your finger and you do the same to him.You both say i do and kiss, Diggy picks up the little pick up the little girl..she kisses your check .Diggy holds your hand and you walk back down the isle......

little girl...?: Why are you crying mommy

YN :Because I'm happy and I love all of you.*tearing up again only to have her little hands to wipe away the tears.

The kids and Diggy: We love you too....

Diggy: Baby

YN: Yes....?

Diggy: Baby you have to wake up

you wake up to find Diggy's family and yours with balloons and flowers for you.They all got to hold the babies...who still didn't have a name.And you look at Diggy and laugh.

Diggy: what's so funny *smiling*

YN:Still wanna name them Daniel and Daniella....?

Diggy: Daniel Dwayne Simmons IV (the 4th) but you can name that beautiful baby girl.

YN: Shalyssa

Diggy: Hell no

Justine(Diggy's mom): Excuse me, watch you mouth.

Diggy: I'm sorry mom, but no Shalyssa

YN:*laughing so hard* I was kidding babe.. how about Layla Kionna Simmons?

Diggy sounds better that Shalyssa

YN: ok

You write out the names and Diggy signs the birth certificate.It was getting late Diggy was knocked out from changing diapers and feeding Daniel and Layla.I gave them a quick bath feed them and put them to sleep.You go over to Diggy cover him with a blanket and Kiss his lips.You go to take a hot shower, you get the breast pump and get some milk for the kids to drink in the morning.Since this was the last night you would be in the hospital you pack the babies things and the clothes your family had packed and looked at the car seats and drifted of to sleep.


Daniel is in the left and Layla is on the right> Picture of the babies

I hope you like the babies names and this chapter.

Thanks for reading

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