The Only ones I need in my Life

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YN Pvo

I was still in the hospital bed with the same sweet, big arms wrapped around me.Surprisingly we both got a full night of uninterrupted sleep.I turn and face Diggy I buried my face in his chest and just laid there for I while.I was still awake and enjoying Diggy's strong smell.His grip on me tightened and hugged me.I was in my own world..his beautiful brown eyes opened and stared into mine.

Diggy: Good morning *Smiling and kissing my forehead* You still sore?

Yn: a little but...I did just push two babies out of my body.

Diggy:*laughing* I know i was there. *getting up*

We both got up and looked at what we had produced and saw our little blessing smiling in their sleep. They both move lightly in their sleep.Then we hear a knock on the door.

Doctor S: hey you two, just came to check on you (Yn) and the babies.

Diggy: I am gonna go and start taking stuff to the car and set their car seats up *kisses you* do you want to get something to eat later?

Yn: yes.

Doctor S: ok new mommy I think it is time to feed the little ones...if you need any help or have any questions just call for me.

Yn: Thank you *I pick up Layla first because she was awake...she smiled at me and I smiled back.I started to feed was a little awkward at first but we both got the hang of it. She fell asleep in my arms,I burped her and i changed her diaper and laid her back in her bed.By now Daniel was starting to fuss.I did the same for him and then put him and the bath.Now Diggy came back to the room and gave Layla a bath and changed both of their outfit.They were both quite and just staring into Diggy's eyes as he held both of them.I was packing them rest of me and Diggy's things and more gifts for the twins and take them to the car.I come back to the room and see that all of them fell asleep, i got my phone and took a picture and save it as my lock screen and screen saver. I took both the twins and put them in their beds.i get in the shower and just stand there for awhile.I hear the door open and Diggy just satnds there and holds me.

Yn:I feel like this is one big dream.

Diggy:Me too but i am just glad it came true with you and nobody else.

Yn:How are we going to make this work i mean I don't regret anything and I will always love you..I am just nervous on how I will handle all of this.I don't know.

Diggy:*turns me to face him and kisses me* You know I love you and those children more than I love myself,I refuse to go any where.I know with my job and everything going on at once but I have my family to help and yours you will never be alone.i will never gonna be gone longer than I have to and I will call and facetime you everyday more than once.I (Your first,Middle name,) Simmons I love you, you have had my babies,made love to me and I plan on spending the rest of my life with you.

Yn:I love you and thank you fro everything.

Diggy: I should be thanking you for giving me two beautiful kids and making every day amazing for me.

*You hug him tight and kiss him and feel his body..he makes love to me for what seems like forever until we hear one of the twins cry..we got out and dry off and get dressed. *

I pick up Layla and Diggy gets Daniel and we grab the bags and head to the car strap them in and check out of the hospital.

Doctor s:Congratulations again just drop by if you need any thing!

Yn and Diggy: Thank you!

we head out and check the car seats and Diggy pulls off...I will be at home with my fiance' and my babies...I still get a little nervous but I know I am loved.I realize my family are The Only ones I need in my Life....


*The picture of the car is you and Diggy's car*

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I never thought this would happen (Diggy Simmons image)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz