The Longest 20 minutes of my life!

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it had been a couple weeks since Doggy Proposed to you......naked lol, and you to had agreed on having children. Lately Diggy has been working on his new album and tour plans .But he is still an amazing fiancé and best friend.

YN pvo

I woke up to the sweet smell Diggy .He was laying gently on my stomach....and I heard him talking......I peeked my eyes open but to where he couldn't see I was awake.

Diggy: I'm not sure if any one is in there....or if you can even hear me yet.But this is your Daddy and your inside Mommy's belly growing.I don't know if your a boy or girl yet but either way daddy promises to love you forever. And take care of you, mommy, and your future 11 siblings..., I promise to protect you, and raise you to my best abilities. I pray your healthy and happy.I know your going to be beautiful, and I cannot wait to see you and spend time with you. try not to give mommy any problems. *kisses your stomach *

*You giggle cause your ticklish *

Diggy:Well good morning sleeping beauty*kisses your lips*

YN:Good morning prince charming, I think we need to get a test babe.

Diggy: What kind *playing dumb *

YN:The kind that somebody takes to determine wither you crazy for talking to somebody's belly.

Diggy:OK but can we go now,cause I'm excited.


Y'all start to get dressed and go to the car and drive to the closest drug stores.

Diggy: excuse me but where are the pregnancy test?

*holding your hand so tight from the excitement/nervousness *

Cashier: isle 7

Diggy:thank you

*walk up to hundreds of brands and boxes*

Yn:*picked up a box* OK this should be good let's go...... *grabs your arm lightly and tuggs you back*

Diggy:but babe this says these are the most accurate brand of tests.

Yn:OK I just want to see the results

Diggy:OK let's go pay

Cashier: will this be all for you today.

YN:yes, thank you

Cashier: your total is 18.95

*pays and leave , the whole way home Diggy speed home*

Yn: I'm going to go take the test . *trys to go in the bathroom with you*

babe I got this.

Diggy:call me when it time *kinda hurt* *puppy face *

Yn:OK you can stand at the door*pees on the stick lol, sets it on the counter*

Diggy: box says wait at least 20 minutes

*you both wait and stare at the clock*

20 minutes was taking forever.......the 20 minutes pass and you pick up the test slowly........

It read...............


Is YN pregnant.... When is the wedding?

I am so sorry this is short and not as good as previous chapters.

And updating took so long but I've been going through some stuff I'm not going to be able to post like I use to but I will try my best.

leave your feedback on how this chapter was and requests for future images I will be doing.


I never thought this would happen (Diggy Simmons image)Where stories live. Discover now