Spin the Bottle

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Author: maroonladybug
Title: Spin the Bottle
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: R (I think)
Summary: Draco is dying of boredom and Pansy sets out to do something about it. A game of Spin the Bottle amongst a group of Seventh years ensues and Draco finds himself occupied in ways that he would never admit to imagining.
Warnings: Sexy boys kissing, groping, frilly knickers, laced drinks (read in between the lines people!) and very bad come on lines. AU seventh-year.
Total word count: 8,272 … *Wipes brow* WOW.

“Dear God I’m bored.”

And that is how the madness began.

Voldemort was dead - thanks to one bumbling Harry J. Potter who claimed he really hadn’t known that Voldie was allergic to his own nose cartilage - and all of the really bad Death Eaters including but not limited to the senior Malfoy (his pimp cane in tow) and the lovely, illustrious and insane Bellatrix Lestrange, had been rounded up and shipped off to Azkaban. Again.

The adult Wizarding World, unsure of what to do in a universe without Voldemort, celebrated for two weeks with mass partying and excessive drinking. Only after the stores of damn near every wine and whisky connoisseur had been drained successfully did they go back to work, hangovers in tow.

With the threat of random imminent death, and all the Firewhisky, gone, not to mention the fact that most of their teachers were fighting off alcohol poisoning in the infirmary, the majority of the Hogwarts student body (as in everyone except Hermione Granger and the entire house of Ravenclaw) didn’t know what to do with themselves after the school re-opened its gates on September 1st.

Idle aristocratic boys especially.

“Let me repeat,” Draco Malfoy said from where he lay gazing at the ceiling on the largest couch available in the near empty Slytherin common room, “I am bored.”

He could literally feel his brain cells dying slowly and oh so tragically one by one by ridiculously handsome one.

“I did hear you, Draco,” replied Pansy from where she sat sprawled across an overstuffed armchair, reading one of her favourite, well-thumbed romance novels. She was unaware of the untimely and continual demise going on three steps away from her.

“Then do something about it! I may expire from the lack of anything to do,” Draco whined. The massacre had reached an all time high and Draco felt his brain go numb as it was assaulted by another wave of microscopic, enemy boredom units.

“If you had slept in like everyone else, you wouldn’t be having this problem.” Draco opened his mouth to respond but Pansy ignored him and shifted so that her book was poised in front of her face. “The fact that you woke me up at the ungodly hour of twelve to entertain you means that I now get to ignore you, foiling your un-carefully formed plan. Really Draco, you’re getting senile in your old age. Why didn’t you wake up one of the boys?”

Draco rolled his eyes, not that Pansy could see him, and sighed heavily. He chose not to harp on her about the fact that she was eighteen while he was still quite a few months her junior and therefore she would have to be ancient for him to be old. He tried flattery instead. “ Love, I did not wake any of those obnoxious brutes because none of them have the witty approach to conversation that you seem to possess.”

Pansy let out a huff of air. “Bull. I know you only want me for my body. Now, stop talking. You’re ruining the best part of my book.”

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐓 2008 Where stories live. Discover now