Parking Spot

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Tuck and Miranda were looking for parking spaces at the school.
"See one there, mom?" Tuck pointed at an empty space.
Miranda began to go into a spot, but a black convertible abruptly sped into the spot instead. A mocha-skinned man came out of the driver seat.
"What the fuck!" Miranda said, instantly regretting it. But her son seemed to be having a great time laughing at her. She gave her son a dead stare.
"I'll meet you inside." He jumped out of the car.
"Hey!" She shouted to the man who took her spot.
"Hey, beautiful."
"Didn't you see that I was going for that parking spot?"
"No. But I'm late for something."
"Me too."
"I'm sorry, sweets."
"Don't call me sweets." She said sharply.
Abruptly, the car that was on the side of the man pulled out.
"See, now we can be parking buddies."
Miranda rolled her eyes and drove into the parking spot.

When Miranda got inside, she saw a group of parents standing by a table, and she decided to join them.
"Mrs. Jones, is that you?" One of Tuck's teachers called out to Miranda.
"It's Bailey now."
"Oh. Mrs. Bailey... I haven't seen you since the last career day."
"Well, you know, being a surgeon is a lot of work."
"I bet it is." She walked off.
"She knows damn well that my name is Bailey..." Miranda muttered.
The president of the PTA got up and made an announcement saying that all chaperones will be partnered up. Miranda was partnered up with a man whose name was Benjamin Warren.
"I wonder who that is?" She said to herself.

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