I Love You

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Ben and Miranda are in the office alone.

"That was touch and go for a moment, but the great Dr. Bailey did her thang come here to give me a kiss."

Ben walked over to Miranda, attempting to kiss her, but she softly pushed him away.

"Ben I can't."

"What do you mean what's wrong?"

"I don't think we should see each other anymore."


"You distract me, you distract me Benjamin Warren, when I see you in the hall I stare at you, when you do stuff to me you make me wetter than the river, and I don't think I need that distraction, in my life right now."

"I love you too."

"Wait, that's not what I said."

"But that's what you meant and I feel the same way, Miranda."

Ben walked up to her and kiss her.

"Tonight at your house I'll cook".

Miranda was so in shock all she can say was "OK". I love you.

OK yeah I'm gonna beat my ass for this short ass chapter but I low-key lost interest so I kind of want to jump to the good stuff so in the next chapter you might see a little time jump

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