Birthday Bang

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At Ben's house 🏡 

"Hey Dad," Joey said.

"Hey, son".

"Do you remember Tuck the co-captain on the team".


"Well, he's having a birthday party on Saturday I wonder if you wanna go"?

"Sure I don't mind".

Tuck's birthday party

Play the song

"21 can you do sum thing for me" the crowd shouted from o top of their lungs.

Miranda smiled watching her son have such a good time.

"Ms. Bailey"...

"Hi, Joey".

"How are you".

"I'm good.... the party is in the backyard help yourself to anything to drink or eat".

"Thank you," Joey said walking through the back door.

"Hello Ms. Bailey," Ben said.

"What are you doing here".

"Joey wanted me to come so here I am".

"Well, do you want something to drink or eat "?

"No, I want you".


"No Miranda now I'm sorry you had to see me like that but you have to understand no one is going to talk to you like that in front of me and think I not going to do anything" Ben declared.

"That wasn't just anyone that was my ex-husband".

"I don't care if it was one of Jesus's disciples no one is going to talk to you like that".

Miranda chuckled at his statement.

"Well my hero .... can you help me with this food without punching someone" Miranda requested.

"I'll try my best".

Tucker pov

"Tucker I don't understand why you had to go," Tammy said on the other line.

"He's my son Tammy we already don't spend much time at least I could come to his party".

"We could have just taken him to dinner on another day plus I don't want you to be around that woman the last time you were you got a black eye".

"Tammy he's my son I'm going to celebrate his birthday on his birthday now shut the fuck up and stop calling me". I said and hung up the phone.

I  open the door walking right in walking straight to the backyard.

"Dad" Tuck runs to me. 

"I didn't think you would make it," he said.

"I switched around some things.... where's your mother".

Miranda Pov

"Tuck and his friends are in the backyard while Ben and I were in the kitchen preparing the rest of the food".

"Baby can you grab the meat" Before I  could finish my statement Ben grabbed my ass.

"Out of the fridge".

"Shit.... sorry you just look good as fuck today".

"I'm the mother of the birthday boy I had to look fine today".

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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