Arguments and Fights

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"Are you Miranda Jones?" A man behind her asked.
"I don't know how many damn times I have to say it. My name is Miranda Bailey." She thought in her head. Then she turned around and said, "Oh crap, it's you from the parking lot!"
"Yes, it's me. Are you ready to spend the entire night together?"
"Well, get ready."

"Mr. Warren and Mrs. Bailey, you're going to monitor the classrooms." The PTA president said.
"That sounds like fun," Ben stated.
"I'm sure it won't be," Miranda said.
"Lead the way, Mrs. Bailey."
She walked ahead of him. For the first time, Ben realized that this woman has an ungodly amount of backside.
"Damn..." He whispered.
"So you think we just walk around the halls?" Miranda questioned.
"No. We just stay in the classroom until morning."
"The PTA president said that we must monitor the classrooms. Not one classroom."
"Do you do EVERYTHING people tell you to do?" Ben said while going into the nearest classroom.
"No." She followed him.
"It's okay if you do. That's what traditionalists do."
"I don't follow tradition. I'm the opposite of a traditionalist."
"Okay," Ben said sarcastically.
"This is going to be a long night..." Miranda said.

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