Sneaky Link

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It's been two weeks since Ben and Miranda spoke to each other. Their schedules have been so hectic that they could only get a "Hi" in while walking past each other in the halls.

Miranda had been so horny lately. It's like Ben released her sexual tiger, and all it wanted was more. It got so bad to the point where one night she felt so aroused that Miranda had to practice onanism.
Miranda was finally going to be free this weekend. Tuck has a game the weekend. No hospital, no kid. The perfect time to have a sneaky link.

Miranda went to have lunch with her coworkers in the cafeteria.

"She told the kid that he was going to die!" Arizona told the table.

"Honey, maybe she doesn't know how to deal with kids," Callie said, trying to calm Arizona.

"That's bullshit. Anybody with common knowledge would know not to tell a kid that... you know what? I don't even want to see her. I don't even want her on my service anymore." She said, folding her arms. Arizona doesn't normally get upset. But when she does, it's a sight to see.

"These orange scrubs have got to go," Mark said, slamming his plate down at the table.

"I second that," Robins said, backing him up.

"What's your problem with them?" Miranda asked.

"You know an anesthesiologist named Warren?"

Miranda shot up her head.

Everyone at the table nodded yes.

"Well, for the past week, I've been trying to hook up with Nurse Lizzie. And I was finally getting somewhere with her, but then here comes Doctor Warren walking past us. She couldn't stop looking up at him."

Miranda didn't know why she was so upset at the fact that Nurse Lizzie was looking at Ben.

"There can only be ONE sexy man in this hospital!" Mark stated.

"You can't be mad at him because girls wanna look at him, Mark," Callie told him.

"Well, can I be mad at him for having sex in my spot?"

Miranda spit out her food. "He WHAT?!"

"Yeah. Everyone knows that I take my encounters to the supply closet because when you take them into the on-call room, they tend to want to cuddle."

"Did you see who he was having sex with?" Miranda inquired.

"Nope. But all I know is that she works here as an attendant and that she's got a fat ass."

Miranda sat back in her seat, relieved that he didn't see her, but was also disgusted by his comment.

"Well, I'll help you look for this mystery woman," Callie said.

"Why are you guys in this man's business," Robins said.

"Right," Miranda said, backing her up.

"Because I have nothing better to do around here."

"How about saving lives?" Miranda said with attitude.

"I do that every day. I need something different."

Miranda felt her phone vibrate. She looked at it and saw a text from Ben telling her to meet him in the on-call room.

"Well, I have to go, but yall have fun with your searching." Miranda got up from the table.

Miranda looked to see if anyone was around, then quickly went into the on-call room.

"Is someone chasing you?" Ben asked, concerned.

"No. I just don't want people in my business. That's all."

"You don't have to worry. I won't tell." He teased, kissing her.

"No, no, no. Stop."

"Why?" He said, continuing.

"Because I can't focus when you do stuff like this."

"Okay, I'll stop... for now."

"Thank you. Now, I have something to tell you."


"We can't have sex at work anymore."


"Because Mark saw us... you know, doing the do."

Ben slapped his forehead. "Damn. I can't believe he told."

"Wait, you KNEW he saw us?"

"Yeah, but, I didn't want you to freak out. Plus, he only saw me."

"I know he only saw you. But him and Callie are walking around here trying to find the female who you fucked."

"Well, why don't you send them on a wild goose chase," Ben said, grabbing Miranda by the waist, pulling her in.

"Mmm, that's a good idea, Mr. Warren...".

"I'm glad we came to an understanding, Ms. Bailey..." Ben said as he rolled them onto the bed.

"No, no, no... we can't risk it," Miranda said.

"So what do you suppose we do?"

"Well, Tuck and Joe are going has a game this weekend, and I was wondering if this weekend, you and me..."

"Hook up?"

"Yes. Hook up."

"At my place or yours?" Ben inquired.

"Yours, please. Just send me the location."

"Fine. See you tomorrow." He kissed her lips and smacked her ass as he walked out.

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