Salsas Dancing

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Miranda and Ben were in bed together.

"How are we going to tell the boys about us," Ben said out of the blue.

 "Whhaat... where did that come from," Miranda asked.

"Miranda I love you and you love me and I'm tired of having to hide this shit," Ben said, jumping out of bed.

"Ben it's hard to take you seriously when you're completely naked" Miranda giggled.

Ben walked over to the dresser and  got one of his briefs and quickly put them on.

"Baby come on come back to bed" Miranda wined.

 "Why can't we tell them Tuck has the right to know that his mother has a special person in her life".

"Because the first 10 years of Tuck's life he saw his parents together then he saw them get a divorce then it was just me and him for a long time I don't know if he's ready to see his mother with anyone else".

"So is it better to lie to him though"

"No that's why we should tell them after the graduation" Miranda got up and wrapped the sheets around her naked body and walked up to Ben.

 "Baby come on we're going to tell them soon trust me.... how about later tonight we go to our favorite spot and we salsa dance the night away and later on we can do another type of salsa dancing".

When Miranda wrapped her arms around Ben he surrendered and kissed her on the forehead.

Later at the Los Amigos

Ben and Miranda were on the dance floor. They rub their bodies forgetting where they were. Ben's sweat was dripping from his forehead onto Miranda's sternum.

"We need to stop before I take you right on this floor".

"Okay lets go to the bar".

They both went to the bar ad took a seat.  

"Oh shit I forgot my wallet in the car sit right here I'm going to get it " 

As Miranda was sitting waiting for Ben she felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Damn baby you really look fine tonight".

Miranda recognized the voice behind her.

"Well hello Mr Jones".

"Hello Mrs Jones how are you".

"You know is Bailey now".

 "And I know that you're my wife".  


Tucker chuckled.

"Why you have to act like that all I was trying to do was help you".

"Help me with what Tucker".

"Give you attention it so sad to see someone at the bar alone like this it so desperate".

"You know what fuck you" putting emphasis on the fuck you.

"Miranda is everything ok" Ben said walking up to her.

"Yes Ben please let's just go" Miranda said trying to leave. 

"Is he fucking bother with you, listen you dumb fucker say an other word to her and I'll  rip your fucking head off".

"Shit I think I used the wrong word it's not desperate it's pathetic".

After Tucker made that statement Ben was too quick for Miranda to stop him. Ben hit him right in the face knocking him onto the barstool.


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