Chapter one

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I liked the cold, the wind, the dark. And all of those things together were perfect for making a scary movie. I was doing a project with my friends, so i called them up, asking them to go to central Gotham. No one picked up, it was late so i figured them all asleep. I decided to take a walk.
As i was walking, I noticed, no one was out....which was sort of odd. I got to a Park, and sat on a bench. I wondered, I wonder what will happen if I sleep here tonight? My imagination got the best of me, and I wandered off to sleep.
I woke up in a room, white and purple. Oh no. I thought. "Ooooh, you're up. How niiiice" I heard a menacing voice say. I couldn't move and I saw, out of my peripheral vision, A green haired man. "Who are you and where am I?" I asked him.
"Isn't it obvious, sweetheart?" He said. "I'm the Joker, and you're in one of my," He inhaled. "Rooms." He moved into the room, and walked to me. "Why were you sleeping on a bench, last night?" He asked, smiling. "I thought you were the Joker, not the Riddler?" He chuckled, and grabbed my face. "You're funny." Then he paced back and forth.
"So I won't kill you." he said, finally after an agonizing pause of silence. I didn't know I was holding my breath until I exhaled. I realized my hands were tied behind my back. I scoffed. Ever think of one of your captives being double jointed? I thought. I smiled and rose my hands over my head, placing them in my lap. The Joker was watching me the whole time. "Hmm." He said, smiling at me. "Your Gooood," He walked again towards me, untying my feet. I didn't realize my feet were tied, and now since I'm free, I thought Sucker. and kicked him, causing him to slide across the floor. He laughed, "Wooowwww, you're really good!" He stood up, blood trickling down from his mouth. I was breathing heavy, hair covering my eyes.
What came next, surprised me. He grabbed my hair, and made me stand up. I didn't scream out in pain, I wouldn't let him see that I hurt. It was basically a staring contest, between us. He smiled suddenly and started laughing. Then, with his free hand, he took hold of a piece of my hair, and smelled it. I smacked him on the side of the face. "Weirdo!" I said. All he said, was "Yupp!" And then he undid my hands, which made me flex my fingers into a fist.
I launched a punch, only to allow him to grab my fist, and grin victoriously. "So serious. So very serious." he mocked. I frowned.
"Let's put a smile on that face, Shall we?" He asked, pulling out a switchblade. "You first," I countered, pulling out a butterfly knife. (Really awesome knife, look it up on Google ;) "Ooooh, you like sharp objects too?" He asked, that smile on his face, that somehow is getting more and more nice-looking. "Yeah, they're my best friends...." I say, interested now. "Great," He spun around on his heel, walking out with a nice sashay. "Come on." He called over his shoulder. I followed, cautiously though. "Where are we going?" I asked, after I'd caught up with him. "To kill the Batman, of course." he said. I shook my head. "You are a bad liar." He stopped so suddenly, that I ran into his back. He turned, a serious look on his face. "You know I don't wanna kill the Batman?" His hardened face seemed to lighten, he actually looked like he was about to kiss me. "Of...of course I know, what would you be doing without him? What's the point in killing your greatest fun?" I said.
Then he actually did kiss me....
Is this something? Will it be a good thing? I hesitated, but kissed back. We both broke away, and he looked at me. "You have to stay..." The Joker said to me.

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