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After I read the note I didn't know what to do I liked the riddler, but what about the joker, I fell on my bed wondering what to do. But then I heard the door swing open I got up and looked around my house once I got through the house I grabbed my coat and looked on the porch it was so cold outside so it wasn't to long before I started at the door right when I got to it the door closed shut and locked I could see my breath I needed to get back in all of a sudden something or someone shoved me I was thrown across the porch to the railing I hit it and fell to the flor. it hurt my eyes were closed tightly as I pulled my self up once I opened my eyes I saw it was the joker. He snapped at me "why were you with that son of a bitch Riddler!" I screamed at him "I HATE YOU GO AWAY!" I backed away a little bit he was thinking............... He took a holed of my arm and pulled me over to him he said "I want you to know how Edward actually is so........ come with me." he was pulling me "let go joker!" He stopped and turned to me "I don't know what he said to you and I'm sorry if I offended you with what I said but............... I don't know" I smiled and hugged him as hard as I could I do like him I just well I don't know how to feel about him. he hugged me back I said "wanna know a secret?" He said "sure sweets." I blushed and said "I like you more than edd." my face was as red as a tomato. he chuckled "well now I know how you feel for me. wanna know how I feel for you?" I thought about it for a bit because I like him but what if he doesn't like me back I just burst out saying "listen I love you!.......... Please love me too." he hugged me tightly and said "don't worry I do." I was redder than a tomato! He lifted my face and kissed me I kissed him right back. He pulled away and said "lets go like now!" "Well why." He looked very worried he said "I'll tell you later ok let's just go." we started walking to my house I was falling behind him. all of a sudden a hand covered my mouth and another covered my eyes.

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