Face paint

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I was shocked but I managed to say "well I'd love to but, I need to get back to my apartment." I noticed a window it was boarded up but some ligh shined through it looked like it was like 7ish. I looked back at himHe didn't look happy at all. "Well if you think you should go there's the exit." he pointed to a old door on the other side of the hall "ok bye." "wait sweets I'm afraid I didn't get your name." I didn't tell him my name I feel so stupid. "It's jade." He grinned and said. "Ok jade see you next time."

I walked out of the door it lead to my neighbor hood well I'm moving

I was sleeping on a late Saturday night when a loud knocking woke me. Who the hell would be coming to my house this late, I thought, getting out of bed and grabbing a sweatshirt. It was incredibly cold in Gotham this time of year, and I kept my heat low to save on my heating bill. But it caused me to sleep under a large pile of blankets and always have a thick sweater and socks on. I opened the door and the Joker himself. He pushed his way past me. I quickly shut the door, pressing my back against it in shock.

"Ok toots wheres the food!" The Joker said as he made his way into my kitchen. He opened up my fridge and started to rummage through it, as I walked in behind him.

"So I'm going to assume your hiding from the bat?"

"Yep! He ransacked my hideout, so I'm using this one!" This man was trouble, the very word of it. Sighing, I turned around and grabbed a phone.

"How bout I order a pizza? I guess I'm not sleeping anytime soon..." Ture to my word, I ordered a large pizza for us to share as I waited out the time of his stay. I payed for the pizza, outside on the deck so the poor guy wouldn't see I was having Joker over, I hopped back up the apartment steps and inside. Sitting the box on the couch, I grabbed a slice and turned on the tv. Joker launched himself over the back of my couch and sat down grabbing a slice for himself. We ate and watched tv in mostly silence, sometimes laughing or making funny or sarcastic comments. Dispite the act that he was a wanted super criminal, he was fun to hang out with. We laughed at a horror movie, as the stupid girl made a bad move and got herself killed.

"If she just ran like he told her to, she'd be alive right now! Now she's gutted on the floor." the Joker seconded my comment, chuckling with me. The pizza was long gone, along with multiple soda cans, we're now scarred along the coffee table. I was leaning on his shoulder, my lack of sleep finally catching up with me. My eyes were closing when someone picked up my chin and leaned closer. I leaned in more, kissing the man in front of me. It was sweet, though a little but of something sticky got on my face. After the kiss, the man laid me on the couch and draped something over me before leaving the apartment.

I woke up on the couch, fully rested and happy. I remembered my time with the Joker last night and smiled. Getting up, i saw something purple fall off of me and onto the ground. Picking it up, I saw it was the Joker's jacket, he must have put it on me as i fell asleep. Getting up to go to the bathroom. I turned into the mirror and laughed. My lips and chin, hell, the most of my face, was covered in red, white, and black oil face paint.

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