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I stood up and said "hey come on mista j!" he looked at me and said "ok." he jumped up and put his arm around me I got closer to him he said "Ya know that my favorite song is about you." I said "really?" He nodded and said "ya it goes she's my cherry pie tall glass of water such a sweet surprise." I grind "Ya know that my favorite song is about you." He smiled "really?" I said "ya it goes I'm so addicted to, all the things you do when your rolling around with me in between the sheets." he was smiling we went to the living room and sat on the couch riddler was sitting too I was leaning up agents joker. riddler said "you to are made for each other, theirs just so much in common like...... scares, favorite color, reactions, feelings...." me and joker both blushed I got up and said "I'm gonna go outside." they both said "ok" when i walked out I remembered how terrible Gotham looked. I closed the door behind me, shut my eyes and sighed then I heard a familiar voice say "what's wrong?" I opened my eyes and saw the little boy from Wayne manor "Damian right?" he said "ya so what's wrong?" I sat down on my porch and said "what isn't wrong?" He sat in front of me and said "well at least your brother didn't toss you out of his window and lock you out and no one notices." I looked up and said "hey are you cold too?" He nodded and said "I try not to think about it." I jumped up and said "well bud come in to my house to warm up..... but let me look in first." he looked so happy he got up and said "thank you!" I nodded and opened my door joker and riddler were sitting on the couch so I grabbed Damian's hand and led him in and said "listen boys! Damian it hanging out here for a bit so be nice!" They said "ok we'll be nice to him." joker jumped up and walked over to he and said "where did you find him?" I said "well he was." Damian interrupted me and said "I was tossed out of my brothers window and locked out so I tried to find some one to help me and I saw her on her porch and decided to talk to her." I said "yep and I asked if he was cold he said he was so I let him in." joker put his arm around me and said "ok kid why did your brother toss you out of his window?" "Well he doesn't like me at all so that's why." joker looked at me and said "where is he gonna sleep?" I said "I'll take him back to his home before then." "ok than." Damian grabbed my arm and said "can you take me home now please?!?" I said "ya let me grab my jacket." joker said "I'm coming too." riddler said "well I'll just stay here and watch the tv" We walked out the door and sated toward the Manson joker put Damian on his solders and healed my hand when we got to the Manson we knocked Alfred answered the door I said "al if this kid is tossed out of a window by stupid Grayson again and I find out I'm gonna kill Grayson and keep Damian with me!" Joker sat Damian down Damian ran up to Alfred and said "I missed you Alfred." Alfred said "I missed you too master Damian. miss jade it'll never happen again." me and joker turned around and started walking back to my place he put his arm around me and said "you really like little kids." I said "well he's a good kid." When we got to my house joker ran up my steps and went in first he said "stupid riddler! Come here jade!" I ran up my steps and looked in. "what the hell are you watching?" He said "Dora the explorer!" I face palmed so hard there was a red mark on my forehead. I said "I need to go for a walk I'll be back." joker said "ok see Ya." I turned and walked down the stairs and down my street to Gotham park I sat on a bench and daydreamed for a bit......... "Hey jade...." A deep voice said I looked up it was Grayson I jumped up and said "stop it dick." he walked closer to me and said "what am I doing?" He whispered under his breath "stupid." I punched him in the gut and jumped over the bench and ran towards my house he chased me he grabbed my jacket hood and pulled me back I screamed he said "shut up bitch I came to get you so you could talk to Damian for me." I said "Ya sure Ya did." He said "fine what ever you can call him on my phone if you want!" I said "fine" and healed out my hand he handed me his phone and said its calling I put it up to my ear and waited for Damian to answer his phone when he picked up he said "stop trying to call me Ya bitch!" I said "I am a bitch to most people but I'm not to you." I heard walking around from his side of the call then he said "hi jade why are you using my brothers phone?" I said "he said that you wouldn't listen to him.... is that right?" He said in a harsh voice "well Ya he tossed me out a window!?! Besides he likes you and you and the joker are a big deal so that's why" I laughed I had a bad feeling about Grayson and it made me feel like he wanted to just up and kill me right then and there so I said "bye Damian!" And tossed Grayson's phone up in the air and ran to my house I got there before dick cough up to me I ran in and slammed the door behind me I locked it and yawned "what took Ya so long sweets?" I said "nothing mista j!" I walked over to the couch and sat with the riddler he said "what happened to you jade?" I said "nothing much really I'm just tired is all" I lied my legs down on the riddlers lap and lied down on the arm of the couch I said "what did you 2 do while I was gone?" Joker said "we watched tv and talked about how to kill batsy" I said "oh cool I guess I saw stupid Grayson he made his bro upset." I fell asleep

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