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I hugged the riddler and said "i forgive you but you can't hurt me anymore got it!" I pulled away and then he said "ok trust me I'll never hurt you again." he wasn't looking at me so i know that he's not even telling the truth "you know what?" He liked at me and said "what?" "You shouldn't lie to me." He walked over to the sofa than said "so what if I do?" I pulled out the gun and walked into the living room I put my hand over his mouth I was sitting on my knees on his legs with my gun pointed at him "I don't want to see you die so you need to learn how to shut up!" He looked terrified I took off my hand and got off of him he looked behind me and then grind he got up and tackled me I fell to the flor he healed me down and took my gun and pointed it at me "well it looks like someone else needs to watch what they say!" I said "fuck you bitch!" And I spit at him it hit him on the face no place in general he took his glove off and wiped off his face and then slapped me I looked at him and chuckled "that didn't hurt." he was mad at me for real I thought he was gonna shoot me he said "well did you want it to?!?" I said "dude get off!" He rolled his eyes and said "that wasn't the question." i said "ok I guess I don't care if it hurt me or not." he said "well sorry." he got off of me and held out his hand to me I took ahold of it and he jerked me up and held on to me I tried to get away but he wasn't gonna let me go I giggled "what is with you and not letting me go?!?" He said "well umm." he blushed "well I just could never let you go." I laughed "Ya as if you just slapped me!" I got out of his arms and looked him in the eye and said "lets get joker." I went to get my jacket and came back we walked to the door and looked out...... the cops were their I closed the door slowly and said "ok the cops are out there so let's go through the window!" Riddler laughed "since when are you afraid of the cops?!?" I didn't answer him I just opened my window and stepped on the ledge and looked down upon the sidewalk I turned around, looked at riddler, and saluted. I fell backwards into a backflip and landed on my feet he didn't fall as gracefully he landed on his back with a thud. this one young police officer was told to find out what the heck the sound was but I hid on the food above him when he came close enough I hung down and kept his mouth shut. I nocked him out and went to help the riddler. He was still laying on the ground I sat down beside him and said "we gotta go riddlie." He said "listen Ya know that old house at the end of the road?" I said "well Ya, why?" "That's where they are." I stood up and said "get up right now!" He stood up and said "so are you a villain or a hero?" I didn't know and I didn't want to answer his question. "I...... I just don't know." "well I'm a villain, joker is a villain.......... ha who isn't!" I chuckled "well I don't guess it would hurt to be a villain this time." he grinned and grabbed my arm pulling me down a little ally that led to the store we went in and he said "race ya to the clothes!" He ran a head I ran faster but I'm lightweight so it was easier for me I made it to the clothes and looked around a bit before he got their I fount the perfect outfit I ran to the changing room and dressed when I came out he looked at me and said "wow that's fucking sexy!" I blushed "thanks." he said "are black and red your favorite colors?" I nodded as I looked at my dirty blonde hair and my outfit "my hair doesn't work for this outfit." he said "well I think it's hot but if you want you can get it dyed." I said "well what about hair dye that can come out?" He said "ok wait here for a minute I'll be back." he ran off I think he went to go see if they have any hair dye. when he came back he had two bottles of hair dye and he said "this only lasts for 2 weeks." I took him by the arm and ran out the store back to some public bathroom to do my hair. once I got it done my makeup wasn't good enough for the look so I got out my makeup and put on the red lipstick and black eyeliner and mascara. when I came out he said "wow. you look amazing." I said "listen nigma I look hot but you know I'm not." he kissed me "I mean you are beautiful not just hot!" I kissed him right back!

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