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I was pulled away I struggled to get away but I couldn't once they let me go I was in a limo the doors were locked I was the only one in it so I got up my legs were tied to the seat and so were my arms I managed to get my arms out but I couldn't untie my legs so I got out my pocket knife and cut my self out I got up and looked around to limo I looked at the front sets but no one was there I sat down and put my hands over my face and started to cry my eyes out. A deep voice said "quit your crying. ya baby!" I was pissed off with out looking up I said "who are you?" He chuckled "well why don't you look up jade." I looked up wiping my eyes it was that stupid son of a bat, night wing I turned away and asked "why did you kidnap me?" He scooted closer and said "because you can't love the joker!" I was so mad I turned around got up and said "listen boy blunder, I don't want anything to do with you or that stupid batman! Got it Grayson?" He stood up and pushed me down and yelled "if you tell anyone I'm dick Grayson I'll kill you. do you got it!" I nodded and said "what do you want from me?" He crouched down beside of me and said "come with me and act like your my girl" I didn't want to but he's frightening os I said "ok" he helped me up and chuckled "your too light. are you hungry?" I was so hungry I hadn't eaten since the riddler came over. "Ya I'm kinda hungry." he smiled "that's what I thought. And I can get Alfred to find you some nice new clothes." "ok cool I guess." he said "ya I guess I have to put on normal clothes so well don't look unless you want to." I looked out the window I saw joker looking all over the place for me "I'm dressed lets go...... What ya staring at?" He moved up to the window with me and put his arm around me "oh your looking at him. can I ask you why you like him." I chuckled "sorry pal but no." he tackled me holding me down by my hands I struggled to get away "get off Grayson!" He smile and said "tell me why you like the joker." I stopped struggling to get him off and said "he's to much like me you wouldn't get it ok." he flipped on to the floor of the limo I fell on him "sorry Grayson." "it's fine your as light as a feather." he said kiss me joker is coming over here he'll look in and ya know walk away because of what he thought he saw" I closed my eyes and said "Grayson please don't make me." he grabbed my hand and said "its ok it doesn't mean anything to either of us ok?" I saw the joker close to the window "ok Grayson." I leaned in to a kiss and he leaned forward to kiss me we kissed we both blushed it wasn't terrible once he was done kissing me I said "your a good kisser he sat up I was sitting on his lap he said "your not to bad either." he blushed so did I. I got up and sat on the seat he sat up beside me and said "come on let's go to the mansion." he took me by the hand and we got out of the limo once we got out he put his arm around me I stood up on my tip toes and kissed him on the check. he blushed we walked to the mansion he tried to open the door but it was locked so he knocked an older man with white hair. "why hello master Grayson." he looked down at me and said "and may I ask who this young lady is?" "Oh hi I'm jade and you are." "We'll miss jade I am Alfred pennyworth." Dick Grayson joined in and said "hey al can we come in please." "yes master Grayson you both may come in." we walked in Grayson still had his arm around me he took it off and said "race you up the stairs?!?!" "Ok." he ran to the stares in the middle of the house as I ran to a ledge I jumped and pulled my self up I beat him "what took ya so long Grayson?" He chuckled and said "well I dint know you could do that." I grinned. he took my hand and tossed me onto his back and ran to a room with tons of outfits "wow." he bit his lip and looked at me and said "wanna look around?" I yelled "OF CORSE!" I grabbed his hand and ran to a pair of ripped jeans I looked at the size. it was my size I took them and said "can you holed this for me?" He took them from my hands and said "ya I can" I took his hand as I looked all over for a hot top I saw a black top with a blue bird I took it down it was my size too Grayson took it and put it with the jeans I saw shoes I looked at all of them there was a pair of black and red converse all stars I screamed "OH MY GOD!" I ran to the shoes and put them on they fit like a glove I stood up and did 4 back flips to make sure they'll work with my life style they do. "hey jade try the pants and top." he tossed them to me and sat at a chair with his hand over his eyes I said "no peeking" then he peeked through his fingers I acted like I didn't see it cause I didn't care I took off my coat and tossed it to the floor same thing with my shirt I put on the top I found it was so cute on me I took off my shoes then my pants and put on the new pants I picked out I sat down and put on my shoes I jumped up on a shelf I walked across i made it to the door I slipped out it didn't take to long till I nocked into Bruce Wayne. I fell down Grayson ran out and helped me up "who is she dick?" "This is my girl jade." I said "hi." Bruce looked at him and said "why would you take a girl out here?" "Well I don't know." "well Alfred has made chicken if you to are hungry....... just looking at her i can tell she needs to eat something" Grayson said "ok Bruce bye" "bye dick" dick picked me up and ran through the hall with me he jumped up on the stair rails with me I was terrified he jumped down we fell he was still holding me we landed and we were safe! he sat me down and said "followed me" he lead me to a room with lots of posters and a messy floor he slammed the door behind us and fell on the bed "I'm so tiered. are you?" I knew what he was doing "ya I am." he grinned "if you want you can lay down." "ok" I walked over to the bed and sat down he pulled me down with him.he sat up and said "I'll be right back." I fell asleep wall he was gone the next day I woke up with no shirt and Grayson with his arms wrapped around me I looked around no one else was in the room I sat up and woke up Grayson "hey wake up dick." "wh what jade?" "Why am I half naked?" He sat right up "you are!" He was biting his lip and starring at me. I took the pillow and tossed it at him he chuckled "your very pretty" I blushed "thank you." I saw a clock it was 12:00pm I saw my shirt and put it on when he got up he was just wearing boxers he put on his pants and smiled at me I grinned back at him he walked over and kissed me we kissed a long time I ran my fingers through his hair his hands started at my back and worked their way down I pushed him off after a while i laughed "how can you like me, I'm bad your... Your a bat." I sat on the bed he put on his shirt and sat beside me "I like you because your different than other girls, you are well a bad girl." I stood up and took the riddlers note out of my pocket I didn't see it at first but on the back it said if you need me just call and then a number. "hey Grayson can I barrow your phone?" He said "later Alfred should be up here soon to wake us up. so wanna make him go as soon as he comes in?" "Sure." Grayson kissed me again and put his hands on my back and got lower and lower and lower I just ran my fingers through his hair. Alfred walked in and said "breakfast is ready down stairs when you are finished up here." Grayson just waved goodbye to Alfred after Alfred left I though Grayson would stop but he didn't he went back up my body with his hands and pulled up my shirt to show my belly he put his hands on me and kept moving his hands up until he undid my bra I shoved him away and fixed my bra Grayson ran after me I tried to get out of his room but the door was locked I jumped on the bed to the dresser to the tv to the floor he jumped on me and healed me down "see I can be a bad boy" i got one hand out and took his phone and called the riddler "be quiet Grayson." he picked up the phone and said "hello." "hey riddler its jade." "oh hi why couldn't u meat me yesterday?" "I had to much to do I couldn't even call u be the phone bill." "oh well I'll call u later but I have to go now bye." "bye." Grayson jerked his phone out of my hands and let go of me I got up and asked "why did you let me go?" He growled at me I backed away a lot! He turned around and yelled "what do you want in a man, you like joker you like riddler." he chuckled "you even like me, so what do you want in a man?" I thought "Grayson I want a guy who will treat me right, and I want him to be more of the dangerous type."

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