The Riddler

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After he hung up I decided to get some breakfast so I went to the kitchen. But there wasn't anything in my fridge. So I went to get dressed so I could go out and get some food. I put on a long sleeved black top and a pair of skinny jeans with 3 rips in them. I got on my high top converses and took my jacket off the hook, grabbed my keys stepped out locked the door and walked to the store I came back with cereal and some milk I tossed the food on the kitchen table, turned on my tv and watched gotham news before I got something to eat. I already knew about half of the news like they were saying how the riddler was calling people and asking riddles but I didn't know he was killing the ones who didn't get the riddles right. I was a little scared so I went for a walk outside I wanted to find the joker but he was no where in sight. after a while I decided to go back home so I did. I came back to my house, glad to see it hadn't been ransacked in my absence. I went in and Suddenly a light flicked on behind my. Turning around me, I saw a man sitting on my loveseat. His face was covered by his bowler hat, which he tipped down to block my view. His legs were crossed classily and a cane sat leaning on the arm of the chair. Despite being scared, I tried to remain calm.

"Ok, who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?"

"You interested me, I couldn't help but try and find you." That voice! It's the man from the phone call! I sat down on my couch, looking to my left at him.

"Your the man from the phone call, why would I Interest you?" He tipped up his hat, and I was quite shocked. The man was quite attractive, in an odd way. His brownish red hair was combed back, slicked under his hat. Rectangle glasses framed bright green eyes, seemingly drawing me In. He was slender, but I could tell that the slight muscle he had would beat me in a fight. This was wrong, I thought, I should never be attracted to some dude I just met!

"Despite you living in a land of idiots, you seemed to be slightly smarter than all of them."

"Thank you?" The man chuckled, as he lifted himself from his seat, putting his hand up to assist me. I grabbed it, suddenly being pulled in to his lips. The kiss was fantastic,arguably the best you'd ever had. It wasn't long though before he pulled away, slipping something into your pocket. He gave me another kiss, before climbing out of my fire escape window. I smiled, pulling the note he stuck in my pocket out and reading it, it said "Tomorrow at noon I'll be at the park you should meet me there. sincerely: The Riddler"

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