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I fell asleep. the next day I woke up, joker was gone I sat up and looked around I was the only one their. but that's just fine I was in the living room I walked to my room and closed the door behind me and locked it I looked over at the pile of shoes in my corner. it was mostly high tops like dc's converses and my leather boots I only have 2 pairs of those. I walked over to my dresser I picked a pair of skin tight black jeans with splashes of blue, orange, red, and purple paint. I put them on I had on a lose dark blue top, I fount a bran new black with a green question mark on it I tried it on it fit nicely just the way I like my tops tighter at the top then a bit more loose at the bottom so when I do a cartwheel or hang upside down then my stomach is revealed. I looked over at my shoe pile and I saw my black boots that don't lace all the way up. I put them on and when I turned to go out of my room the door slammed closed it was Grayson I backed away. "so your into riddles." he was pointing to the question mark on my shirt I nodded he walked over to me and said "what's your deal?" I said "you wouldn't get it at all so just don't try." I turned around he walked up behind me and put his arms around me and we'll he's taller than me so he rested his chin on the top of my head I grabbed his hands and pulled them off of me and jumped away my window was open I started to think about how to find joker or Bruce without Grayson getting me he lunged at me I swiftly slipped to the side and cartwheeled to the window and jumped out my house isn't to far from the ground so I landed on all fours and ran he jumped out too and ran after me I ran as fast as I could I fell 2 times but I got back up and kept running eventually I got to an ally with a dead end I curled up into the corner and his my face I heard Grayson running once he got to the entrance of the ally he stopped running and walked towards me, until a deep voice said "wait night wing let's flip a coin heads you can have her." he chuckled "and tails I get her." Grayson said "ok flip it." I looked up I only remember seeing a slow motion coin flipping through the air. I was struck with fear when I saw who won "well looks like I get he." it was two face I hid my face he said "come on girl I don't have all day." I chuckled "well I do!"
"Really?, Fun he took ahold of my shirt collar and pulled me up I was chocked he sat me on my feet he was much taller than me he looked at me funnily and said "what's wrong, what happened to your eye?" I smiled "well pal that's for me to know and you to never find out." He laughed "well that's fine I'm fine with some secrets." I said "well I guess you should know............ well do you know that freak the riddler?" He looked considered "Ya I know why?" I shrugged "well he came over to my house one day and cut me with his pocket knife." he said "so your not dating him right?" I laughed so hard I started to cry "hell no we're not! And we never will. ok?" He said "so no boyfriend?" I looked at him with a grin "Ya I do and he's probably the best thing that has ever happened to me." he looked at me and said "who is he?" I blushed I can't tell him about joker but I have to "umm first tell me do you think I'm going to ever date you?" He light up bright red all over the face and said "ha have you met me, of course not." he held a gun out to me and said "here you'll need it for our walk around Gotham." I took it it was an automatic pistol it was black, gray, and had bloody splashes on the trigger. he looked at me than said "well try it out on that man over there." I looked at him very confused he said "fine I'll make it a fair shot heads he lives but tails you blow his head off!" "ok flip it already." he flipped it it was all in slow motion again. he cachet it he grinned and said "well I win." he walked over and put his arms around me and said "shoot him!" I pulled the trigger "wow you're a good shot!" I said "listen we need to get out of here before the cops get here he put his arm over me and said don't worry I'll just have to take the blow you'll be fine if you don't do anything that would get you in trouble with the cops, but keep that gun just incase." "Ok" I walked to my house and the kitchen light was on I thought I turned it off but I suppose I didn't. I walked into the kitchen and then I saw the riddler siting at the end of the table I jumped back and screamed he stood up and said "shut up bitch!" I ran to my room and slammed the door and I locked myself in he started beating on my door and screaming "let me in jade!" "NO!" He quit "we need to talk now" i put my hands on my face and screamed "NO! You already hurt me so just stop!" He said "I'm sorry that I hurt you so bad I just don't understand myself sometimes I wish I could have seen how much this would hurt you. I'm sorry very sorry." I said "I don't care! Trusting people is not the right path to choose ok I've trusted people all day long but now I'm not gonna trust anyone else." I sat up and unlocked the door and opened it riddler was standing right there I had my arms crossed he opened his mouth and said "I...... I'm so sorry please forgive me if you don't.......... joker will be hurting not by me by nightwing." I don't know what to say "I love him though...... please help me! Please please please." I needed to cry but theirs no time for that. he said "Ya I'll help." I was glad he said he'd help "thank you so much!"

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