Getting to know my Mista j

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We ran I lead them all to my house the cops were gone so I went in and told them to stay in the living room I locked all of the doors and windows I ran to my room and put on some other clothes ya know ripped jeans and a black t-shirt I took my hair down and shook my head I was a mess I went to the living room with the boys they were siting on separate sides of the couch I sat I between them and leaned against joker he put his arm around me and had a sinister grin he put his hand on my mouth and pulled out a gun to the riddler and said "what'd I say nigma?!?!" I screamed "stop it joker!" Riddler looked terrified "listen to the girl J" joker had tears in his eyes and said "HA HA HA HA wh-when do I not listen to her other than now?" I finally got his hand off and ran in front of the riddler "leave my FRIEND alone." "friend?" said riddler the joker laughed "ya riddler FRIEND!" I crossed my arms "you two are being stupid!" The joker said "ya well at least we got one thing in common." I chuckled "ya your right." I walked away laughing, I went to the kitchen and sat in a seat I over heard the joker "at least I can get her to laugh!" Then the riddler said "what ever joker." I was tired so I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on them I fell asleep when I woke up I was in my room on my bed the joker was laying down beside me I got up to find out what the riddler was doing. he was asleep on the couch I grabbed a blanket and tossed it on him he woke up saw me then said "do you really love the joker?" I turned around and said "yes I do." he said "well that makes me feel better." he lied down and covered up with the blanket on him I said "riddler your an awesome friend any other girl would be happy to be with you, but I'm not available." he said "your a great friend too and any man would be lucky to have you in their lives." I said "thanks, night riddlie." he smiled "night jade." he turned toward the back of the couch. I went back in to my room and walked back to bed the door slammed shut and locked i didn't even care about it I just sat on my bed and fell backwards into a pile of pillows and blankets joker wasn't in bed so it had to have been him who closed the door he walked over to the bed and lied down beside me I was half asleep he put his arms around me and pulled me closer to him I didn't mind so I kept my eyes closed he put his hands under my shirt I was a little bit happy. His hands were cold though so it was kinda uncomfortable he whispered "you don't really love me do you?" I said "yes I do....... please love me too." he said with a quiet voice "of course I love you." I sat up and looked at him he sat up too as soon as he was up I kissed him it wasn't a very long kiss just a little one he grinned and basically tackled me down to the bed then he kissed me this time it was a long kiss once he stopped kissing me he pulled off my shirt and kissed me some more I was kinda falling asleep while he was kissing me he took off his shirt and kept kissing me I was just so tired I pushed him off of me and said "listen I'm to sleepy I promise tomorrow." he said "ok that's fine." I fell backwards on the bed again he just put his arms around me and I was fine with that. I woke up I was the only one awake so I just got out of bed and got dressed and checked on the riddler he was still sleeping on the couch I yawned and went to sit down on my bed I sat for a while till joker woke up he sat up and put on his shirt I just want to kiss and hug him but I felt like he was just not in the mood he jumped over me to the floor "wow" he chuckled I hoped off the bed he walked over to me and said "Ya know what?" "What?" He chuckled "your a lot of fun." I blushed and said "your fun too" he checked "really?" I smiled "well Ya your sweet, loving, you can make me laugh and smile and that's very hard to do." he lifted me up and sat me on my dresser he said "your not heavy at all." he leaned forward to kiss him but he grabbed my hands and held them down while he was kissing me he was holding my hands with one hand the other one was pulling my shirt up then the door was thrown open "umm did I come in at a bad time." joker stopped and said "yes! what do you want?" "Umm I'll just be back later." he walked out and closed the door joker just sat in the floor I jumped down and sat down with him i stated the conversation "how much do you think you know me." I was looking off into space he said "you don't even know me but I know you. I know your favorite color, song, movie, hero, villain I know it all!" "So then tell me them!" "Ok purple, addicted, the dark night, batman, me." "Wow you do know me let me try you........ ok purple, I don't know your favorite song, the dark nigh, batman, yourself." "you got purple, my fave song it cherry pie, dark night, batman, and it's not me its you." "Ok so purple, cherry pie, dark night, batman, and me." he nodded

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