Chapter 05: on the road

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Francesca's POV:

Surprised would be an understatement to how I'm feeling right now.

As soon as Felix left Ethan's bedroom, I had said a quick goodbye to Ethan, grabbed my stuff from his office before leaving myself, getting in my car and driving back to college. Even on the road, I hadn't processed exactly what's happening – we're going to a fucking beach house.

I realize to some that's not very surprising, however I've not been on a vacation, even for just a weekend – if you don't count New York – for the last two years. The last vacation I went on was just after my high school graduation when I went to Florida with my classmates – very expensive, but my mom got a second job just so I could go.

There's moments like these when I remember, and really appreciate what I had with her. She was truly an angel and deserved so much better; so much longer. And it's in these moments when I miss her the most.

I don't know what to expect, I don't really care in all honesty – all I wish for is this weather to stay nice like it is right now, and with amazing company like my friends, the weekend will be perfect.

This is what I need, this is what I've needed.

Walking through the front door of the dorm, I see everyone sat about in the living room – Lauren is studying on the sofa, Matt's on the phone and Hanna is straightening her hair, sat on the floor.

"Guys, drop what you're doing." I announce, a smile on my face, and everyone turns around, shocked to see me. Yeah, me too. Usually I'm not home for a few more hours. "Felix has summoned me to pass on the message to pack your shit for the weekend, also swim wear because we're going to a fucking beach house."

"We're doing what!?" Matt screeches, a smile forming on his face.

"Yep, we've got... forty-six minutes until he picks us up." I say, glancing up to our clock in the kitchen, and Lauren blinks at me.

"Felix organized this?" Lauren asks in shock almost.

"You know, he's not at all bad." I say with a smile.

"When he's not pissing me off." She rolls her eyes.

"Okay, I don't care about my hair, it can be wavy, we're going to a beach house." Hanna chirps up, turning her straighteners off, putting them in the hold – one of the best things we own, so we don't set fire to things. Smart, very smart for us.

"Yeah, we should all probably start getting packed, we don't have long." I say, the smile on my face never dropping. I'm so excited for this.

We all head down our little hallway, Lauren and Hanna slipping in their room, Matt following me into ours, him shutting the door behind us.

"Nice outfit by the way." Matt chuckles, dropping down on his bed, and I run my eyes down my gym clothes, realization falling over me.

I went outside in shorts.

Pride fills me – I realize I did it subconsciously, with no thought to it, but I still went outside in shorts. That's a massive step for me. Sure, I feel a little paranoid right now, wondering if any guys saw me, but I still did it.

"Thank you – it was actually the first time me wearing shorts outside since the whole club accident." I say, smiling to myself.

"I'm proud of you, Frankie, you're doing amazing." He says with a genuine tone.

"I appreciate that. Um, speaking of these shorts, I need to get changed actually because Ethan and I may have had a water fight." I shrug shyly, hiding my smile.

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