Chapter 02: you're a wizard Harry

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As I expected, the three hours dragged, only serving seven customers in that time. I really don't know why Karen keeps open, the food has gone stale already, the only thing we can serve that's good is the coffee, so it's not exactly bringing in more money. It baffles me, it really does.

"You tired?" Alex asks, lying their head down on the counter, smiling slightly.

"Drained, you?" I chuckle as they just close their eyes. "Same."

"When's your hot guy coming in?" They ask, referring to Ethan.

"Soon, and he's not mine." I correct them.

"Hmm, sure, sure." They only roll their eyes in response.

Alex only started working here in January, and they were the first person I saw when I stepped foot in here after a whole month and a half off. It was a scary experience to be back at work after so much had happened, but having Alex here as well as Leah, it's helped me in more ways than they both know.

"Girls, heads up." I fight the urge to groan and roll my eyes at Karen, not only because she misused Alex's pronouns, but also because I was quite comfortable here.

Alex only presses their lips together as we both sit up, I raise my brow at Karen wondering if we're actually in trouble or not. It's passed eight now, the shift it well and truly over.

"There has been a change in shifts, I need to go over the table with you." She directs this at me, but I'm hoping she means us both.

"You're dropping some of them or?" I press.

"No, just need to clear up what you're doing and when because the updated table has gone missing." She says, but in other words she's lost it. "Alex, you're still doing Thursday evening shift, Saturday morning and Monday lunch shift, is that okay?"

"Yeah, that's perfect." Alex says with a bite in their tone, only a sweet smile is covering their features.

"Frankie, you're working when...?" Karen looks at me for the answer.

"Evening shift on every week-day. Morning, lunch and evening shift on Saturday, lunch shift Sunday." I say, sucking on my teeth to refrain myself from saying something about the fact I'm working literally everyday for her, and I get no appreciation whatsoever.

"Okay, thanks girls for your input, you can go whenever." Karen dismisses us, and when her back is turned, I stick my middle finger up at her.

"I'm bored with correcting her at this point." Alex chuckles, rolling their eyes.

"I'm sorry about her ignorance." I say.

"Don't apologize for her, it's not your fault." They dismiss me, grabbing their backpack from under the till, also my little purse that barely holds anything but things I may need.

"Thank you." I say, slipping the large strap on my shoulder, immediately opening it, grabbing my phone, ready to ring Ethan because he's usually here by now, but that's when the door opens.

"Hello wonderful people, how was work?" Ethan asks making me smile as he picks up the first chair he comes across, tipping it and putting it on top of the table – something he does every time he comes in to piss off Karen.

"It was okay. Got your pastry, want a coffee? It'll be still a little warm?" I ask, grabbing a cup for myself.

"Yeah, sounds good." He smiles.

"What are you guys doing tonight?" Alex asks, leaning on their elbows as I pour the coffee.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Ethan squints his eyes at them teasingly, only for them to do the exact same thing. "Fine, I cave – we're watching Harry Potter."

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