Chapter 25: fresh ink

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When I got home after my therapy session with Taylor last night, I planned to go over to the gym and take her advice, but then I remembered what we were doing today and Thursday.

So, I made myself a deal. I'll ask him after the house viewing on Thursday. That way everything important has passed and I won't ruin anything, that's the last thing I want to do.

The question is still nagging at me, but after speaking with Taylor for a further hour yesterday, I feel more at rest with my thoughts.

Yesterday was so emotionally and mentally draining, and with my period as well, I crashed as soon as I got home, I slept for a whole twelve hours with no dream of any kind. It was one of the best night's sleep I've had in a while. And to line up with that, I woke up and the sun was shining. Sure, Matt was snoring in the background, but I couldn't help but smile.

Today is going to be a good day, I can feel it in my bones.

Hanna and I are meeting Ethan at the parlor in half an hour, so, while being as quiet as I can, I've been getting ready trying not to wake Sleeping Beauty. We don't want that to happen.

Matt has been feeling much better lately, in fact Kieran got in touch with him last night; they're meeting up tonight to talk, which is good for Matt. He doesn't deserve being ignored, especially after putting his feelings on the line like he did. But I do believe there is a reason behind Kieran's actions; there always is.

"Hey." Hanna whispers, peeping her head through the crack in the door. "You ready to go- Ooh, you look hot."

I blush at her compliment, grabbing my gray jean jacket. I'm wearing some black leggings, a red long sleeved cropped top, and I pair it with my black sneakers. I'm assuming she's complimenting my makeup since my style isn't exactly 'hot' today.

"As do you." I grin, grabbing my bag. She's wearing some ripped fishnets with a leather pleated skirt and tied up t-shirt; she looks fucking amazing.

Lauren's laid on the sofa when we go through into the main living area, her hand is caressing her bump watching Marley and Me - great choice for her pregnancy hormones.

"Hey, babe, we're leaving now. Do you need some Kleenex?" I peer over the sofa, and Lauren sniffles, shaking her head. "Okay, well, I'm going to just leave them right here just in case."

"Thank you. Have fun today." Lauren says with tears in her eyes. The movie has only just begun, nothing sad has remotely happened yet, well apart from the puppy crying during a storm.

"We will. Make sure to keep hydrated, and call us if you and little bump need anything." I say, and she nods, giving me a weak smile.

Hanna raises her brows, silently communicating with me that we should leave, and with that I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and follow her out of the dorm.

For once I let her be in charge of the AUX, something I rarely let people do; she doesn't have a bad taste in music at all though, so it wasn't that bad. At one point we even listened to The Arctic Monkeys.

When we pull into the parking lot, a smile comes to my face when I see Ethan leaning against his red Mercedes with a cigarette between his lips. I frown, wondering what happened to make him smoke.

"I didn't know Mr. Bad Boy smoked?" Hanna looks over at me.

"He doesn't all the time, it's not a habit." I clear up, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"Understandable." She shrugs, caring no less. "Let's go, then. After you, missy."

Rolling my eyes at the little nickname, I open my car door and she follows behind. Ethan flashes us both a grin, balancing the cigarette between his fingers before he opens his arms for me. I envelop him in seconds, and with a quick sly switch, his cigarette is in my hand and I'm bringing it up to my lips instead of greeting him with a kiss.

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