Chapter 30: *a little break*

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Summary to catch you up since I've been gone 3 months:

Francesca and Ethan are in a semi good place with each other; Francesca found out what he had been hiding, which was his sisters and dad in LA. They went house hunting, put an offer on a place. They are nearly finished with college for the year and are flying out to LA (very soon). 

I'd recommend giving the previous chapter a reread, I love you guys xx

Francesca's POV:

It's the first day of finals and I'm already tired. But today is done and I feel positive I've done okay. I'm my own worst critic, so the sooner I get home, the better. I might even run myself a bath.

Walking out of my lecture hall, I'm shocked when I see Ethan waiting for me, leant against the opposing wall.

"Pass me your bag, we're going places." He holds out his hand to take my bag, so I pass him it.

"It's not that heavy, but thank you." I then look at him suspiciously. "So, which places exactly are we going?"

"Well, that would ruin the surprise, now, wouldn't it?" He quips, and I smile, liking how he's in such a good mood.

"I was planning to pack my bag tonight, will I be home with time to do it?" I ask curiously, hoping to get some answers from him.

"Yeah, we'll be four hours tops. We need a little break from college anyway, it'll be nice." He says, and I smile, already happy with the surprise despite my dislike of them.

"Well, I appreciate it. This seems better than my original plans anyway." I say, slipping my hand in his, which he happily takes.

"And those were what exactly?" He asks.

I hesitate if I should admit my lousy plans, but I do anyway. "A nice bath, pajamas and a date with my bed if I'm being honest."

"Sounds steamy, should I be worried?" He jokes and I roll my eyes, grabbing my phone to turn on.

"If you're worried about my bed, don't be. I'm in need of a new mattress, but considering I'm moving out in nine days, there's simply no point." Knowing that I'm moving so soon is quite scary and surreal. I don't want to leave the place I basically call home, but at the same time, I am. I'm so ready to have a new start, a new place for new memories.

"Nine days and you and Lauren will be living with the crazy bunch. You do realize you've signed up for a summer of being around two four-year-old's every day?" Ethan asks with a laugh.

"Oh, babe, I know. I love the twins, though. Kurt is the double of your dad, he's the funniest little guy, and Stevie is my little bestie. She's already agreed to let me play hairdressers with her, in return she gets to do my makeup. I'm looking forward to it." I grin; it'll be an entertaining summer without a doubt. "Oh, and I think I promised Kurt the other morning that one night we can stay up really late and eat ice cream."

He laughs, shaking his head at me. "My siblings are going to love you more than me by the end of this summer."

"Hey, you said it, not me." I raise my hands in defense, and he pulls me into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of my head as we walk.

We walk out of the building into the crisp spring air, over to Ethan's parked car in a nearby parking space. He fishes the keys out of his pocket and hands me them before walking over to the passenger side, letting me drive as always.

"My playlist or yours?" Ethan asks, buckling himself in. "Scrap that, I need to update mine, we're going with yours."

"Ooh, yay, let's become depressed!" I joke, moving my seat forward. He deadpans and I let out a giggle as I adjust the mirrors.

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