1. The beginning again

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    I woke up and the last thing I remember is eating ravioli with my hands. Then it was all a blank. I was lying in bed with a kitty in one arm and a wolf in the other. I had a pacifier dangling from my lips. I lifted my head up a little to see that I was in my bed, but it had changed. There were bars all the way around my bed. They were not to tall of bars, I should be able to get over them without a problem. But why were they here? What happened last night? What happened to the plan?

    I tried to get the covers off of me so I could get up. But they were tucked in so tight I couldn't move them. My head, shoulders, and arms where the only parts of me outside of the covers. Witch made it easer for me to slip up and out of the covers. I looked at the edge of the bed to see that the covers where tucked under the mattress. There was no way that I did that. Someone else had to of trapped me in my own bed last night. And then there where the bars around my bed. I had to sit down for a moment to think. When I did I felt something I haven't felt for years. 13 years to be exact. That was the last time I had an accident while I was asleep. Don't get me wrong. I was a bedwetter until I was about 8. But to poop while I was sleeping, not since I was like 2. Maybe even younger then that.

    I cringed as I remembered what I was sitting in. And that made me get up and crawl around my bed looking for a way to get out. I tried moving the bars at the middle first. That was a no go. Then I tried at the corners. Still a no go. Then I stood up and grabbed the top of the bars to see if they would move. They didn't budge an inch. As I was standing there I realized that the bars where taller then I thought. I was holding the top of the bars and my hands where almost to my neck. I would half to heave myself up and over only using my arm strath. There was no way to get the leverage I needed with my lags. They would just slip down the bars.

    So, I'm in a crib big enough for someone my size. Who made this thing? How did they get it up here? And how am I going to get out? Ok, time to think. Who would have done this? My dad maybe. What's it made out of? Metal not wood. So no braking the bars. Is there a way to drop a side like on a real crib? I looked around more carefully this time. No locks no hinges. But there are sliders at the head of the bed and the foot of the bed. Ok. Now I'm making progress. The sides or the bottom of this cage will slid down to put someone in and let them out. But there is nothing to work with at the top of the bars. But if this was a crib then maybe it's underneath it instead. I tried moving the mattress but I couldn't get it up with me on it. I even tried the corner with me hanging from the bars. That way my weight wasn't on the mattress. But I wasn't strong enough to do it. I'm a 15 year old genius and I can't even get out of a crib made for a baby.

    I finally got so frustrated I grabbed the bars trying to shake them closed my eyes and screamed. I was still shaking them when I heard a voice coming from the door. "So would you like to calm down? I will let you out if you do. I will even give you cuddles and a bottle. Can you calm down for me my little cub." It was Bear and for some reason all I could do is stretch out my arms trying to get him to come closer. He was going to let me out. My mouth wasn't working right. Or my brain wasn't. But something kept me from talking right. All I could say was Bar Bar. I found out a moment later that it was my mouth. I still had the pacifier in my mouth. I hadn't realized it until Bear took it out. It came out with a pop. And when it did I actually fell backwards right on to my butt. "Ewww" was the next thing that I said and Bear chuckled. "Does my little cub need a change." I nodded my head. Bear stepped on something and the bars on one side of the bed dropped.

    I crawled to the side of the bed and looked down. There was a foot peddle there to drop the bars. I rolled over on my back and smacked myself in the face. "That would have been nice to know about." I said and Bear looked at me funny. "How old are you Max?" I took my hand away from my face and said "15 I think. But I feel like a little kid not being able to get out of a crib of all things. Who made this anyway? It had me trapped."

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