12 Atlas

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    We walked back to the others. Well he walked, I tried not to shake from the fear and stress I was feeling. I did an ok job at it, for the most part. Husky did tighten his grip on me as we passed the others. "I'm taking him in to get changed. We'll be back shortly." Was all he said as we went by and straight in to the cabin.

    "Ok little brother. Do I get to pick what you wear? Or do you want to?" He said as he put me on the bed. I told him he could, I really wasn't in the mood or the right frame of mind to choose. I was just trying to figure out what, how, and how much I was going to tell the others. All I knew was, I was not going to keep everything to myself and I wasn't going to just give someone everything. No fight or flight for me. I'm taking option 3.

    Come to find out Husky had a real sense of humor. He had to take mu call or off, but he said it was only for a minute. I was all cleaned up when he put my clothes on. Then he put my collar on over my new clothes. Once again I was in a costume. This time I looked like a husky. But not a real one. I looked almost like a cartoon husky. I could stand up right in this costume it was made that way. The big fluffy tail coming out the back helped me stay upright. I had blue fur, with a gray belly, and a fake diaper around my waist. The hood could be pulled over my head and face. When I tried that, I could see out from the eyes of the husky. There was even a hole where the mouth was so I could be heard. But there was no way for the paws to come off. So with the oversized paws, I wan't holding anything. He took a picture of me then showed it to me. I looked just like a baby furry. And with my collar on the outside of the suit, that completed the look. I still want to know where they keep getting these costumes from.

    He picked me up off the bed and put me on the ground to see if I could walk in the thing. I could even with the hood on. I felt a little weird walking. Like a toddler just learning to walk. Legs spread apart for balance. I actually fell forward and caught myself before my snout touched the floor. And he got a picture of that too. But then he helped me back up and we decided he would just be carrying today. And would half to feed me too. At least as long as I had this suit on. He said he would do both all day long if I kept in on. I think he's a furry lover, or a furry, or both. I don't know, maybe he just likes huskies. Blue ones.

    Needless to say, I was carried out to the others around the fire. They all thought that Husky was carrying a new stuffed toy for me. They all were saying how cute it was. And that they thought I would love it. And that it should put me in a good mood. And that they wanted pictures of me cuddling up with it. And so on. Husky didn't say a word as they went on and on about my new stuffed animal. He had sat down with his arms around my waist. So he wasn't touching my legs as I started to move them back and forth. I was tapping my toes together waiting for them to stop talking about my new stuffed husky.

    Then I started humming a toon and moving my head back and forth. I don't know about Husky, But I was having fun with this. Then someone asked if IT could talk too. And that's when I said "Yes. I can also walk around. And eat too." Husky started laughing because everyone was so shocked. Bull fell off his seat when I talked.

    Bear said "Holly crap. Did you make that? Is Max in side that?" That's when I flipped up the hood/head part. Well at least I tried to. Huskies face was in the way. He moved me to a side sitting position, then helped me pull my hood up and to my back. Then he un-velcroed the whole hood and took it off. I didn't even know it was put together like that.

    Bull got back in his seat and was about to talk, but Husky put his hand up to stop him. "Max is himself right now. Just because I put him in this suit does not mean he is little. If you can't or won't deal with that being the truth, then leave. I am here for him. My mistake earlier could have ruined everything. I will not make that mistake again. Max has asked me to help him. And I plan on doing just that. If you ever second guess him about anything, I would recommend remembering 1 thing. He knows us better than we know ourselves. I know for a fact that he has read everyones files. All of them. He could tell you secrets about me that nobody alive, knows. I know a lot about all of you. But his knowledge puts mine to shame. All the things you have done. He knows about them. All the rules we have all broken. He knows about them." He passed for a second and looked straight at my dad. "ALL the experiments people have done. He knows them all." That got a fearful look from my dad. "All your deep dark secrets. He knows them all. Now think. How would you like to know all your secrets at 15. Then times that by 6 different people. That and so much more is on his shoulders. And to top it off, he gets to have the fun job of saving the world. We all now know some of what he is going through. So. Are we going to make this harder on Max, or easer?"

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