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I got my ravioli and nothing bad or weird happened. I did make a mess of myself. But all things considered, that was normal for a one year old. Husky told everyone pretty much everything that they needed to know as I ate. We were from the future. We came back instead of my father do to him being sick. We had to get my sister as soon as possible. And that he was a last minute choice to come back with me, so he didn't have all the information that I had. But he would be the one taking care of me, for the most part.

    Even tho I had just woken up from the sleeping pills that Bear gave me. And before that had just woken up from a full nights sleep, I was still tired after getting a full belly. Bear was the one that took me and gave me a bath while Husky finished telling everyone else what he could. I was taken to a bathroom, stripped, bathed, (played with bubbles while I was there), dried, and re-diapered. (I am really going to have to get used to all this real quick). And then instead of put back in to the wolf cub sleeper I was in, I now liked like a little black bear cub. It was just as soft and fluffy as the pup. And it was warm. And that, I think, was the best part. (I wonder if they all got me costumes like this?)

    Bear ended up caring me to the living room where everyone else was already. He sat down on a 2 seater couch and put me in his lap. He pulled a hood over my head that I'm guessing had bear ears on it because it was part of this costume. That and everyone started to say stuff like, "Now he really dose look like your cub." I stuck my tung out at them then curled up in to a ball on his lap and promptly fell asleep.

    For the rest of that day that was my life. I would wake up, sorta. Have a bottle of something then pass out. Or I would wake up to having my diaper changed, then pass out. I didn't try to keep track of time or of how long I slept. I was tired and so I slept. Every now and then I would be jolted out of sleep by odd dreams. But when I would think about them, they were actually my memories coming back to me. They were just jumbled up and some of them were not mine. At least, not that I could remember. I figured that they would sort them selfs out, eventually. I hope.

    The next time I woke up, I was in that cage again. I guess I was in my crib. It only took me a couple of seconds to remember where, and more importantly when, I was. I got out from under the covers just like last time and crawled over to the bars. I quickly looked at what I was wearing and noticed I was still in the bear suite. So Bear took care of me last night. And probably most of yesterday too. (I'll have to thank him for that.) I tried to get out of my crib but couldn't. Soooo, like any child my age would do, I started to rattle the bars and not quite yell "Is anyone there? Can I get some help getting out of this cage? Bears don't like being caged you know."

    As the door was swing open I could hear Panther laughing at me. I smiled at him because I thought I was being funny too. And I was relieved that someone came so quickly to get me out of this cage of mine. "So, my little teddy bear, you ready for a butt change? And how about we turn you in to a little kitty today? It's my turn to babysit you today. Are you ok with that Max?" In answer I fell on my back, spread my legs and arms out and said "es." I covered my mouth with both hands realizing how that sounded. I wasn't a little kid at that moment, not really. I was thinking like my 15 year old self. But when I didn't concentrate on how I was saying things I sounded like a little kid. And I wasn't a little kid right now. Panther approached my crib and dropped the bars. "Are you ok Max?" He looked queries and maybe a little worried.

    "I'm not a little kid" I said as I took my hands away from my mouth. "I just have to concentrate more about how I say things. I meant to say yes, not es. But... I don't know, maybe I need a sigh or something. One side could say "I'm 15" and the other could say "I'm 1". I know, that sounds ridicules. But at least that way I wouldn't have to concentrate so much on just talking. Much less everything else." I lay there thinking as Panther got down on his knees by my cage. I was so frustrated I barely registered him picking me up. He put me to his chest and just held me in a hug. I laid my head on his shoulder and started to cry. (These dammed emotions. They just keep running away on me. I can't control them.)

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