13 Bye Bye

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When you wake up and the world around you feels so big and daunting you want to curl up and just let the day pass you by. Do you curl up? Do you walk through life that day like a sleep walker? Do you put on a happy face and fake it?

Or, do you have someone rubbing your tummy until you feel like getting up just to make them stop? Then you find out that you are still in the arms of the person you fell asleep in. So you can't get away from them and there rubbing turns in to tickling. And on top of that, you can barely see them because you have a mask covering your face. Then you notice that you're not the only one laughing. But there are people all around laughing. And they are laughing at you. And when the giant hand quits tickling you and as you get your breath back a warm bottle is put to your lips through the mask. So you drink. You don't have to hold the bottle, the giant hand does that for you. You couldn't hold it even if you tried anyway. Because you have these big paws covering your hands. So the only thing you can do is lie there drinking a warm bottle and relax as you wake up and let the weight of the world slip off of you, knowing that you are being held up by someone else.

Some people would call that a religious experience. I would call that a mama Bear in action.

By the time I was aloud to get up my bottle was empty. And, I actually felt better. I was warm, full, and, I felt safe. Most adults would say that I was being handled or dealt with. But I say, I was being taken care of. My armor was still on and right then, I didn't think I needed it. So I pulled back the hood to reveal, me. I knew I must look like a mess. I probably still had tear streaks going down my face. And I probably had a really bad case of bed head. But despite that I knew I had people around me that wouldn't laugh and point fingers at me. I knew that anyone of these people would stand at my side, or even hold me up to help me.

I finally got Bear to let me go. He stood me up right in front of him. My legs were spread so far apart I couldn't walk. But I was determined to at least stretch a little before someone picked me up again to take me to get changed. I ended up using Bear's leg to get around him. Then I made it 2 steps before I fell forward and was on my hands knees. I was able to stretch one leg or arm at a time, but boy did it feel good. I don't really know why, But a good stretch in the morning just felt so good. My mask had flipped up and over covering my face again as I stretch so I looked like a dog just waking up. When I was done I started crawling to the cabin. I couldn't walk so it seamed like a good idea at the time.

I had made it maybe 4 feet before someone picked me up from my middle and started carrying me. At first I was still trying to get there on my own. But when my feet and hands wouldn't touch the ground, I quit moving them. Then I tried to stick my legs out straight and put my arms out and flew the rest of the way. I found out that it was Panther holding me when he said "Supper puppy is flying away to his next adventure." Then I howled "Ow owww" and laughed. I was in a pretty good mood this morning despite how I felt when I fell asleep.

I landed on the bed on all fours and was about to roll over to get changed. But Panther told me to stay where I was for a minute. He started taking my suit off and I guess it was easer from the back. The hood was taken off. Then the snaps were undone from my legs. Then a zipper was undone from my back and the suit just fell off of me. Going from my warm suit to nothing that quick gave me goosebumps all over. I tried to curl up in to a ball to keep the heat I had, but Panther had other ideas. He put a blanket over me and rubbed me until I got used to it. When I was able to not shiver and to relax he started changing me.

But he didn't put me in a new diaper. He just wrapped me in the blanket and took me back outside. I was about to ask him what he was doing when I saw what he was going to do. I looked around to see that the only people that were there was him and me and Bear. Everyone else was gone doing there own things. Bear was cooking breakfast, but next to the fire was a tub. The cabin had a shower but no tub. And me being a kid, not to mention the last time someone tried to give me a shower I freaked out and was little the rest of the day, I got a tub. It looked like something you would water a horse with. But for me, a big round tub. It was almost big enough to be a small pool and it had bubbles!!!!!!

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