6. Planning

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    Being a kid again has it's good points, and it's bad points. One of the good and bad things about being this young is. You can get away with anything. But at the same time, you can't get away with anything. "Your young so you didn't know any better." "Little kids need to learn from there mistakes." But for me, that is all different. And so when I decided to put bubbles from my bottle of bubble bath in the pool because I thought it would be fun. Even my cute baby puppy dog eyes didn't get me out of trouble. In my defense I was left unsupervised. And I was feeling young at the time. But that didn't stop me from getting punished. But it wasn't like it was a really big pool. And the bubbles only overflowed a little (half the back yard for 3 days). And I wasn't even aloud to play in them ether.

    But it was worth it. For 3 days I was being punished and I had a lot of time to plan for what I really wanted to do. But for my plan to work, I needed help. And because Husky new me so well, he volunteered to keep a close eye on me for those 3 days. Every one else was to busy playing with my bubbles out back to notice me and Husky talking, a lot. Ok, so they weren't really playing with the bubbles. They were trying to keep them from coming in the house. I sorta over did it with the bubbles. Even with the pool pump off I had created a real mess. I didn't know that only one drop was put in my bath. And that a whole bottle could have made a wall of bubbles 10 feet tall coming out of the pool. I mean really, there should have been a warning on the bottle or something. "Not for use in your pool. It will make a wall of bubbles that will take over the world." Or something like that. At least the back yard and the back of the house is getting washed. Now that's a good thing, right?

    It took me half a day to convince Husky that I didn't mean to make that big of a mess on purpose. And that I was only trying to distract everyone else so we could talk in privet. Finally I was able to ask him if he could keep a secret from everyone including my dad. He said he would do his best as long as, "It doesn't put you or anyone else in danger.And You never touch the bubble bath bottle again." I agreed, And it only took a week of looking sad and pouting for me to get bubbles back in my baths. The bottle however, was always kept way out of reach from then on. Top shelf in the bathroom, not under the sink anymore.

    And so we started to make our plans. It was simple at first. I now knew how hard it is to relive your past with nothing NEW to look forward to. Eat, sleep, and do things at this time and date so the future won't get messed up. You could make little changes, but not big ones. Dad already made sure that we would be set for life when he was younger. So no need for money. We could easily do nothing if we wanted to. But that's not us. I have been finding out more and more that me and dad are more alike then I had thought. And one of those things was that we try to help others. Also that we don't take brakes unless someone makes us.

    And so, I felt it was my job, my responsibility to make sure that daddy, takes a brake. And has a NEW experience, this time. And not just our bubble yard. And I think that that above end thing else is what convinced Husky the most. You see, dad has been seeing his doctor but nothing was helping him. But even in just half of a day dealing with my mess, he was looking better. He was even smiling. And we think that the new experience is what did it. Not just the same thing over and over, but something new in his life.

    We tossed around a couple of ideas like maybe finding him a girlfriend or even one of those single cruses. But we figured that sorta stuff, he would half to do for himself later. Nether one of us would be good at finding him a match like that. Although it would be fun and possibly funny to try. But we figured at my current looks it might be a bad thing. I could just imagine her trying to give me a bath and......nope not thinking about that. Or her giving me a diaper change..............NO BAD and so embarrassing. NO. Having the guys do that is bad enough, even tho I am for the most part, used to it. I still have problems turning red every now and then when I'm thinking like a 15 year old when I wake up in the morning. Or from my nap in the afternoon. The bottles and my pacifier, those are not a problem anymore. When I'm handed a bottle, I just drink it. No big deal. Pacifier, same it's just there and it gives me something to do. I guess I don't think about those that much anymore. They feel natural, and good to me.

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