2. My brother to the rescue

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Max's POV

I could hear voices even though I couldn't move or see anything.

D. "What have you done?" That sounded like dad.

B. "I mixed a sleeping pill in his bottle. I didn't know it was really him." That sounded like Bear.

D. "What did he say to you?"

B. "He used our code names and said that he was 15 years old. He also said to tell you "Time travel". But how was I to know?"

D. "You should have called me first. You could have killed him. Dam it Bear."

B. "So now what?"

D. "So now we wait. When he wakes up, lets hope he doesn't hold a grudge against you."

B. "I don't know if you know this. But I know someone that is a Little. And I think Max is a Little."

D. "I have no clue what your talking about. Get to the point."

B. "Well, What that means is, Max might act like a little kid and not mean to. It would be like you acting like a little kid. But with him already being, well, a little kid. I don't think you would be able to tell the difference between your Max and this Max."

D. "So what do you suggest we do?"

B. "Well, when he wakes up, let me take the lead. But keep a close eye on things. You might spot something I missed. But I don't think he will hold a grudge. He knows all of us. And if that is true, then he will know I was just protecting everyone. That is my job after all."

D. "Fine. You take the lead then. But what about Husky? Should I let him in?"

B. "Does he know anything?"

D. "Not that he's letting me know about. He just keeps saying that he needs to talk to Max. I can't get anything out of him."

B. "Well, I could talk to him first. But if he's from the future too, then he won't be talking to me before Max. We did bring up the idea of sending someone back with Max. Maybe it was that pup for some reason. I thought if anyone would come back with him, it would be me."

D. "That's right. But we just tossed that idea around yesterday. We never made a for sure plan to do that. Well I guess that we will at some point in time."

B. "Well, as soon as Max wakes up, let that pup see him. Better yet, bring him in now. He should be here when he wakes up. Just incase."

"Let him in. He can help. I trust him and you all." I still couldn't move, but now I could talk somewhat. At least, that's what I was trying to say. But after Bear said "He's talking in his sleep." And my dad said "Did you understand any of that?" I guess it didn't come out that great.

The next thing I knew, I was being held by someone. Turns out, that someone was Husky. I opened my eyes to look straight in to Husky's eyes. And with one look, I could tell that he made it back with me. Now I didn't have to be alone. I didn't have to do all of this by myself. My eyes started to water and I smiled at him.

"Are you ok little one?" He asked me as he started to bounce me a little. I could feel my butt being patted as well. I guess I was small enough to be held in only one of his arms. The next thing I knew, he was holding a bottle up to me. "Are you thirsty or hungry?" I tried to reach for the bottle, I was thirsty. But I couldn't move my arms. I was wrapped up in a blanket so tight I couldn't move anything.

I nodded my head and he brought the bottle to my lips. I sucked on it for only a minute or two, just to wet my throat. I moved my head so he would take it away, and he did. "I come back. Ou come back?"

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