10 Stressed

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The guy was an unknown. Nobody knew him. No one knew where he came from or where he went. According to Wolf, he was traceable to a point. Even Wolf couldn't tell where he came from or where he went. His tracks started just outside of our camp. They went all over the place When he and Panther we're chasing him. But stopped at the tree they found me at. It was like this guy was trying to make sure that me and him could have our little conversation in privet. This guy actually came in to camp saying stuff like "I'm going to eat your baby." And  "Little Max is going to be mine." Then he ran off with a "Have a nice day". Of corse Wolf and Panther ran after him. But they could never get close enough to him to get a good look at him. And those were the tracks that Wolf found all over the place. And that is why they were all sweaty when they finally found me.

I told them what me and this guy talked about. At least, for the most part. I also told them that I thought he knew about me coming from the future too. I also told them that I thought that he could be trusted.

At first nobody thought that I was right about that. But then I asked them a question. ""He was with me for at least 10 minutes before I saw ether of you. If he wanted me dead, he had the time. If he wanted to kidnap me, he had the time. I was sitting there crying with my back to the tree. He had to of heard me long before he started to talk to me. He was on the other side of the tree the whole time while we talked. All he had to do was take 2 steps and ether kill me, or pick me up. I was in no position to argue ether way. I had just gotten up to try to see who I was talking to when you 2 were there. And you both say how easy it was to just grab me and run. I trust him, who ever he is."

After that we talked some more. Well mostly they talked and I listened. There wasn't much any of us could do about this guy anyway. Panther and Wolf wanted to hint him down and fight if needed. Bear Bull and my dad wanted to leave right then. But I wanted to stay and have a little fun on our first camping trip. We almost had to pack up and leave until Husky decided to speak up.

"You 2 want to fight. You 3 want to flee. But I'm with Max on this one. Let's stay. From what I can tell, this guy wasn't going to hurt Max. He wanted to talk to him. And getting you 2 out of the way he did. He took our best runners on a wild goose chase and left them in the dust.  While leaving our strongest fighters behind. He knows us. He knows Max. Why would he come here get you guys to chance after him and lead you straight to Max? Then while talking to Max he helped him. He made jokes. He never even threatened him. I'm willing to guess that the only reason he did that here was to get you 2 to fallow him. Max was only gone for what, a minute maybe 2 before that guy showed up. And it took you guys over 30 minutes before Panther came back with Max? He wanted Max to have some alone time before he talked to him. Max has never had that much alone time in his life. Not while awake at least."

Then Husky stopped talking and looked down at me. But his face was blank. Then I heard him mumbling "Mama Bear. Daddy Panther. Brother Husky." Then he snapped his head up. "This guy is, from the future. Those names he called us. Max is the one that called us those. But not from now. He used those names only in our past you're guys future. Man, this is making my head hurt. But if its true and he is from the future. Then we have no chance against him ether way. So I say screw it. Friend or foe, we need to continue as if we never saw him. MAx got mad and took a walk. Panther went and got him then came back. End of story. Anything other then that and we might have one of those paradox things."

And that is pretty much all it took to convince everyone else. Now don't get me wrong, there was more grumbling from some people. But in the end, we stayed. I just had a little more eyes kept on me. And one more thing was added to my collar that night. After dinner right before I went to bed, Husky asked me if he could put something on my collar. He showed me a new tag but with his info on it instead of Wolf's. He didn't even have to take it off to put his tag on. And I went to sleep with 2 tags jingling around my neck.

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